Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Meet me on-line

[Daiki's Point Of View]

Today was just like any usual days I've encountered every weekends.

Woke up in the morning with messy hair, Cleaning and tidying my bed lazily, Brush my teeth, Take a bath, Eat breakfast and then lock myself up in my room.

What am I doing in my room? Well... something like... Playing RPG, Watching animes, JDramas and chatting with a stranger.

I am chatting on a website called "If Only". This website is so popular when it comes to chatting or dating online.

RyYm59 messaged you. Message him back to start your relationship.

Whoa! An account messaged me... RyYm59?

You accepted RyYm59's request.

Hi ^_^

Hello~ ><

Single? or... not?

Single T-T

Dunt cry! Me too ^_^

You can call me Ari-chan

Call me Soryu then

Okay! Soryu-san

Soryu-kun is fine Ari-chan

O-Okay! Soryu-kun >///<

What a nice guy... But, If only I was a girl then he would love me.

I am a gay and I'm not ashamed of being one. *DING DONG* The doorbell of our house rung. I quickly turn off my phone and open the door.

Dai-chan!!! How are you? My family and I is going to the beach... Wanna come? The little cute and pretty girl said.

Sure! I don't have any plans today too I answered cheerfully to Chii.

Yuri Chinen. A cute and pretty girl who is my childhood friend. She is so popular and almost all my "crush" fell for her. Well... I'm happy for her since she's my best friend.

I was going to pack up my things when Chii stopped me and drag me outside where their car awaits.

Wait! I haven't packed my things up yet! I struggle but Chii won't budge.

Dai-chan. I already packed things for you. She said. W-What?!


We already arrived at the beach and Chii quickly pulls me to the bathroom.  Not to mention it was a women's bathroom.

Wear this Dai-chan. She gave me a lingerie maid uniform and a matching white panties with black lace and ribbon.

What the!?  This is for a girl! And I'm not a girl! She smirk evilly. Don't worry Dai-chan. I know it will suit you.

After so many minutes of struggling, she forcefully make me wear the lingerie costume.

Why do I have to do this?! I sob. Sorry Dai-chan. Actually, we're out of staff in our beach maid cafe right now. She explained.

I understand that but... Why am I the only one wearing lingerie!

Because You're our main maid... you will entertain them with sweet talk and cute face. Only that, so don't worry.

What did I do wrong god?! What!!!!

We walk to the cafe and I can feel that people are having dirty thoughts while looking at me! No! I-I mean at Chii!

Yoroshiku!!!! the other staff of the maid cafe shout.

Ah Y-Yoroshiku.. I answered them shyly.

Umm... The maid wearing lingerie... A guy called out.

H-Hai? This is not good.

Entertain me Chii pushed me and the guy pulled me and sit on one of the table.

Yabai! What is this man doing!

So... Name? He asked. Sorry, but they say personal infos about the staff is out of reach to the customers

nickname is fine... right? I sigh. Ari-chan, call me Ari-chan

Suddenly I felt a hand on my stomach. Are you kidding me!? I'm a man nigga!

Amm... ah~... I can't help but moan beacuse it ticklish.

Such nice voice... Suits your cute face really well. His hand travel downwards when he was about to touch mine someone punch him.

Oi! You hentai! Don't you know that's prohibited! A tall guy with a chibi rescue me.

Ah! S-Sorry! Nakajima-san! Yamada-san! The man apologize.

I'll go and get rid of him. the chibi said.

After they walk away. Are you alright? the tall man asked but I just stare at him. Ah! I'm Nakajima Yuto. I smiled back at him Ari-chan, my nickname for the maid cafe.

So... can I get your email? He asked. Why would I say "no" when you're the one who saved me.

Sure! We exchanged phone numbers and bid each other a goodbye.

[Ryosuke's Point of View]

I got back real late than imagined. The sky is dark and the moon is already visible.

Yo! Ryosuke! I found the one! I see Yuto waving at me. What dou you mean the one? He smiled goofily. I fell in love! Her name is a secret to you.

Eh?! Why? I thought we're friends... He pat my head. But... you might steal her away from me.

Look who's talking. Yuto then gave up.  Okay! Her name is Ari-chan!

Ari-chan? The girl who I accidentally messaged on

You know the girl we saved earlier? that was her! What?! I didn't see the face!

Who are you, AKA "Ari-chan"?


So!!!!!  This was the new fanfic I made... it wioo be chaptered too😭😭😭hope you enjoy reading it! please wait for more.... gonna update real soon!

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