Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Let's meet up

Daiki's Point of View

As soon as I arrived home. I quickly open my phone and see a lot of messages from RyYm59.

You have 54 unread messages

RyYm59: Good morning😊
RyYm59: How r u? 😷
RyYm59: Have you eaten yet??? 😳
RyYm59: Wer r u?  😭
RyYm59: 😥😥 You dont like me?
RyYm59: Am I disturbing you?
RyYm59: Hey! I slept! 😭😭 sorry!

he sure send a lot of messages. I read all of the messages that he sent to me. Should I reply? or ignore him? I choose to reply to him.

Sorry for the late reply😭😭

I went to the beach earlier and
my friend force me to work in their
cafe😂 Sorry bout that

RyYm59 is now online

My friend have seen you earlier😂

I was shocked when he said
"A maid named Ari-chan" was his crush

I'm quite jealous ya know😑😑

Why? 😂😂

he gets to see your face
while I don't 😭😭😭

I got an Idea

Why don't we meet up?

Sure! Are you sure its fine
for you?

Of course!  We both agree on meeting each other. Tomorrow at 14:00 we will meet at the tea cafe near our school called "TeaPop".

*Ring Ring*

I heard my phone rings and quickly answer it hoping that it was Soryu-kun.


As soon as I heard the voice, I was really disappointed.

It's just you... *sigh*

<What do you mean it's just me?!! Hmph>

No! No! I didn't mean it to be offensive-...

<Then what?! >

Okay! okay! calm down I'll explain.


So, I was expecting it was Soryu-kun because he told me to meet up with him tomorrow.

<A DATE! >

N-No! it's not! *blush*

<Since you'll be meeting up with him! I'll come with you! He needs to undergo the interview first>


<Okay! It's decided!>


<text me where is the venue okay? bye! >


Chii Hungs up. Do you want to call her again?

▶Yes       No

Do I need to?  It might be good to have her there right?

Yes     ▶No

Are you sure you don't want to call her again?

▶Yes      No

Why does this phone have so many questions?! Ugh!  I turn my phone off because of annoyance.

I was just watching the clock tick by. I fell asleep in no time. Well, who would stay awake in that kind of thing.


*Alarm clock ringing*

I turn my clock off. 13:00 What the fuck?! There's only 1 hour left before meeting Soryu-kun.

I never slept this long before! Why now?!

I quickly wear a dress and high heels. I must look like a woman!  I wear a wig and make up.

I go out of the house.

Kaa-chan! ittekimasu! i said.

Okay! But! why are you dressed like that?

Theres a cosplay contest there! Jaa!

I see Chii out of the house and come with her. I enter her car.

You look gorgeous, Dai-chan. I smiled at her.

On the way to the Cafe I remembered I need to buy contact lens.

Ah! Chii drop me there! I said. Why? she ask. I'll buy new contact lens. See? Well,  I cant see.

She drop me in front of the Store. I enter and bought  a pair of contact lens. When I was supposed to walk out of the store, I unluckily bump with a tall guy.

Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to-... I stare at the guy in front of me.

YOU! It was the guy who saved me yesterday. Nakajima Yuto.


New update! and so... no one seems to read this story so I might not continue this😭😭 well that is life. So I'll just focus on studies more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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