Chapter 36

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Author's Note:

Hi guys!~ I'm back!~

I really really do apologize this update took longer than I initially planned to I just got out of the hospital and was only finally able to finish this update till now...

This update is short because the next one's gonna be a long one... I really do hope you like this one and watch out for the next one.

twitter: cheerfultopaz


Sooyoung is alone in the house; Sungjae has just left the house to go to the office for something that needs to be done by him alone. And when a knock came from the door, Sooyoung thinks that he just left something but who greets her is not the face of her husband but the face of the last person that she'll ever want to see.

"Just the bitch that I want to see." Hiro grins at her maniacally.

Sooyoung tries to slam the doors closed but his hands already stops it. "What do you want from me?" she growls.

"Same as always." Hiro smirk. "I always enjoyed watching you squirm in fear because of me. I rejoiced seeing you cry every night, I celebrated when I when see you pretending to be happy just so your pathetic husband won't see you suffering. I enjoyed watching you two spend the last days of your marriage."
Sooyoung shivers. "What do you mean last days of our marriage?"

Hiro stays silent and pushes the door open, walking inside the house as if he owns the place. He takes a seat at their dining table. Sooyoung stays by the door, she wants to run but something tells her that if she does, Sungjae is the one who's gonna suffer the consequences.

Hiro takes out his gun and puts it on the table. "Sit." The girl follows him unwillingly. "Now, despite enjoying every minute of your sufferings, I'm still not satisfied." He takes out his tablet and shows a video of Sungjae walking towards somewhere. It looks like someone is following him.

"Sungjae – oppa..." Sooyoung whispers in fear, covering her mouth with her hand. "Who is that?!"

Hiro chuckles. "That... is one of Kara's men. I have him followed and with just one word, his ass will fall down the ground with his brains splattered all over the cement."

"Leave him out of this." Sooyoung growls again, her fists clenched tight. He has nothing to do with this."
"He's as every part of this as you and me." Hiro plays with the gun on the table. "Now, you will do what I say, or else I might accidently send the message to blow your husband's brains out." The girl stays silent. "You don't have to say anything. I know you'll do what I tell you to." He pauses and takes out a stolen photo of the couple during Christmas time as the boy hugs her from behind while they were at the rooftop. "You will leave Yook Sungjae..." Hiro tears the picture into two separating them from each other. "You will have no communication to him whatsoever. I don't care how you do it. You have to dissolve your marriage one way or another. You won't see each other; you won't talk with each other. You will leave him lonely and heartbroken for the rest of his miserable life... That's all Yook... Soo... Young..." he stands up and leaves the house while laughing like the villains seen in movies.

Sooyoung tries to digest everything that just transpired. She puts her head on the palm of her hand as she breaks down and cries when she realized what was asked of her to do. She guessed that it would be like this but actually doing it... it pains her heart so much she can hardly breathe. Knowing that she can't do this alone, she sends a text message to her mother, Sungjae's parents, Charlie, Red Velvet and BTOB, everyone who cares for them except for Sungjae himself, who is kept busy at the company.

"Sooyoung – ah, what's wrong?" Mrs. Park immediately hugs her daughter who breaks down in tears again as soon as she sees her mother.

"Yeoreubeun, I need your help." Sooyoung wipes her tear. Everyone looks at her with anxious faces. "I know this'll be a lot of me to ask you but I wouldn't have asked for your help if things got serious. But.... Sungjae's life is in danger."

Mr. and Mrs. Yook gasp. "What do you mean he's in danger?"

Sooyoung finally reveals them what happened last Valentine's Day and the truth that Hiro has been watching them ever since and that his girlfriend, Kara, has been funding him to get revenge on both of them, till what happened when he visited her earlier and what he just asked him to do.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Charlie looks seriously pissed. "I could've just found him."

"I couldn't do that. He told me that if I talked to anyone he'll kill him." Sooyoung explains. "I couldn't risk his life like that." She cries again. Seungwan, who is sitting beside her, comforts her by holding her hands.

Eunkwang sighs. "So, what do you want to do now? What can we help you with?"

"I'll be going to Canada a week before his birthday. Just make an excuse that I have to go there." She looks at their parents who just nod at her. "I need your help because as a final gift to him, I want to hold a private concert with just the two of us. The complete gist of a concert, I want to do it with him. But I can't really plan it alone so I'm gonna have as to ask for each of your expertise."

Sooyoung gives every single person a job for the upcoming concert. Everyone could hear the pain with every single word coming out of her mouth that they can't do anything but listen silently.
"Changsub-oppa, remember to only give it next year on his birthday, not a day before." Changsub nods at her. "Charlie, after I leave, make sure you protect Sungjae at all cost. Hiro won't be able to hurt me. He wants to see me suffer so I'll be fine but please make sure that he's safe."

Charlie nods as well. "I'll keep him safe. I promise."

They finish planning around dusk. Everyone starts to leave before Sungjae could come home and see them, except for their parents who agreed to breakdown some of the plan tonight.

"Oh, what are you all doing here?" Sungjae gapes in surprise when he finally comes home. He takes one look at his girl and could sense that something is wrong. "Why the long faces?"

"Adeul – ah, take a seat first, we have something to tell you." Mr. Yook gestures him to sit on the couch next to Sooyoung.

Mrs. Park decides to tell him. "Sungjae, I'm really sorry that this news has been so sudden but Sooyoung has to go to Canada on the last week of April."

Sungjae looks at his wife who is shaking, fighting her own tears. "Mworago? Waeyo?" he asks.

"Her works doesn't go unnoticed. One of our board members hired her as their editor – in – chief in Canada. The initial plan is to let her work there for a year first and then see what happens after that." Mrs. Park lies.

Sungjae looks at her again, waiting for her to say anything. "And you said yes to this?"

Mrs. Yook interjects. "She didn't have to say anything. We agreed to do it. She has no choice but to comply."

"Is this some kind of joke?!" Sungjae suddenly raises his voice, no one flinched. "Are you really doing this to us?"

"Son, you have to understand..." Mr. Yook tries to calm him down.

But Sungjae wouldn't hear any of it. "It's for the company again, right?" he scoffs sarcastically. "Please... just go..."

Their parents couldn't say anything more. They know that it's for his own good but hearing him so angry makes them feel so guilty. Sungjae returns to Sooyoung's side as soon as the adults left. The girl hugs him tight.

"Hey, we'll be okay." Sungjae tries to comfort the girl. "It's just a year and if we miss each other too much, I can just go there and visit you." Sooyoung nods silently, still not shedding a tear in front of him.

The couple spends their days together as much as possible, sometimes practicing sometimes just being with each other's company and when they're not, they practice their special performances for the concert. Sungjae was confused at first as to why they need to hold such a thing but Sooyoung explains to him that people has been asking to see the two of them together and that their parents agreed for the public.

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