Chapter 1

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Connor, Jc, Ricky, Sam, Trevor, Kian, Izzy, Taylor, and Hunter are all the same age (18.)


btw plz tell me how to create new chapters

btw im stupid so just remember that

Chapter 1 the first time

Izzy's pov:

I am Izzy, Im blonde and am a weirdo. I live in Chicago with my two best friends Hunter and Taylor. Hunter is a goreous brunett who likes making people want popcorn-_- Tayor is a beautiful blonde who grew up in south carolina! We are in the youtube community and are pretty much triplets fo lyfe be jelous. But ohemge im so excited because tonight June 13th, we get to see the 6 most flawless boys preform right before us. Yea thats right were going to DIGITOUR!!! So right now were in the car on our way and everyone is freaking out including me!

Hunter's pov:

So were on our way to the one and only digitour and no promises i won't piss myself.

T: I can't wait to see all of my 6 husbands up on stage

I: correction your five Trevor in mine

T: ugh fine

H: another correction Kian is MINe

T: whatever i just want to see ma main husband Sam

I: you love him so much its creepy

H: ditto

T: your just jelous of our realashonship

T, I, And H all laugh

Oh did i mention we are all besties???

Taylor's pov:

I might die were 15 mins away from the best night of my life I think im so obsessed its unhealthy lol i dont care. I just care about how friggin slow this car ride is going ughhhhhhhhh!

Izzy's pov:


T: ahhh omg

H: if i hypervenalate and faint will u guys catch me

I: no dubai

T: *laughs*

so ater we got out of the taxi the whole place was sooo crowded with so many people me, taylor, and hunter kinda lost eachother after 30 seconds but well find eachother eventually. I hope. oh my god i see Trevor Moran my all time youtube crush what if i faint? what if i cry? what if i say something stupid? what if

then i got inturupted by a tall but very thin trevor crashing into me and falling on top of me. i swear there was pounding in my head but not because it hit th groud it was because there he was trevor moran lying on top of me. this was not how i fantisized we would meet but it works i guess.

Trevor's pov:

we were finally at our last stop at digitour i has been fun but very hectic. I walked out of the car and then hundreds of screaming girls came running towards me. I was about to turn back but the door was shut and locked i pounded on it wut it would not open all of the sudden the curton rose and connr was behind it with a smirk on his face. i mean i know were homies and we mess with eachother but im going to be trampled! The wave of girls hit like a friggin base ball bat and i was slowly being moved away from the van i notices another girl was too i didn't recognize her so i knew she was a mislead fan. we crashed into each other and the next thing i know im lying ontp of her on the ground.

Taylor's Pov:

i kept walking trying to find hunter and izzy after we got split up. then all of the sudden i saw a group of ferocios girls killing everyone in there ath to get to the one and only samuel john pottorff. i started to walk the other way because im not for that fighting life but then it happens im knocked on the ground and i feel my head with my hand and i look at my hand and see blood, alo of blood i start to cry because the pain is quickly rusing all throughout my body then i see hunter and she sees me. she sits next to me trying to calm me down but it wont work finally im lifted and the person starts running for the building digitour will be held in in an hour. (we went early to get a good spot) i don't bother looking to see who it is because frankly im too fascitated with the blood gushing from the gash on the back of my head. the person finally sets me down on a couch or something and i start to look around and i see hunter kneeling next to me and i know she couldnt have carried me here then i look around and see sam pottorff sitting at the foot of the couch staring my head out of breath.

hunter's pov:

i was trying to find taylor and izzy neary franticly when i see taylor on the ground with blood all over her cring i quickly run to her and so does sam pottorff i am worried right now so there is no time to fangirl. he quickly picks her up bridal style and we start running to a place i think is backstage. i see kian lawley my all time youtube crush and begin to walk over to him to get my mind to stop worrying about taylor and start worring about what to say and of course while im rehearsing what to say in my head i trip and almost fall but catch my self but now everyone in the room is staring at me and its really awkward so i decide to look at a picture on the wall until they stop. eventually they stop and i reach kian. he is on his phone but he looks up when he sees me standing there.

H: hi im hunter im a big fan

K: thanks your cute but i have to get ready for the show i hope to see you out there and can i get your number quick?

H: of course

ohmagawd kian lawley just asked me for my number i think i need to take bathroom break and cry.

kian's pov:

i was on my phone when i see someone in front of me her name is hunter and shes really pretty and seems so down to earth so i get her number but of course right when shes talking its time for me to get ready.

izzy's pov: finally trevor gets off me and helps me u after we awkwardly stared at eachother for what seemed like forever. he helped me up but then we start getting tackled and i feel so bad for him so i grab his hand and start pulling him out of the group since ive been here many times for other preformances i know where everything is so i start to run with his hand to a bush/fort Hunter, Taylor, and i made a few concerts ago. we finally get in the fort and catch ou breaths before anything else.

I: im not going to be a creepy fan don't worry i just thaught you would want to skip being a jungle jym

T: ya haha that happens a lot we all have so mant bumps and bruises those fans are brutal

I: haha ya do you want me to escort you to backstage now i think were clear

T: sure :)

then we walk to backstage and i see hunter and taylor but taylor is talking to sam and hunter looks like shes trying hard not to fangirl so hard. im just about to walk away when trevor grabs my hand

T: hey thanks for saving me back there can i get your number?

I: sure

then i go walk over to hunter and she tells me what happened with kian and he got her number and i thell her about what happened with trevor and so far this expirience has been like no other. after that taylor walks up to us

T: omg me and sam totally hit it off, he asked for my number and invited me to stay backstge and you guys can stay too he talked to kian and trevor and apparently they really like you guys

I: okey can we please just have a fangirl moment


T: okay were done with that stay cool people can still see us ya know

then me and hunter tell taylor what happened with kian and trev and we all agree this is the best night of our lives


ok thak you guys for reading the first chapter i hope you liked it!!!

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