5: SHINee<3:*

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Chanyeol's POV

It hurts. It damn hurts. I excuse myself and went to my favorite place...

My Bar...

Yes. I own a bar. I even named it, ShinYeol Bar. I named it before Yon Shin's name and my name.

When I arrived there, I think my eardrum's gonna explode by the loud music. I looked around and saw many people drinking, dancing, singing, flirting, eating and even making out =_=

What do you expect in the bar? -.-

I went to VIP section. I saw my other bestfriends, SHINee Gang..

Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun, Minho and Key.

"Brooooo~" They cooed and bro fisted with me.

"Yo," I said.

"Yo!" Taemin said.

"I thought you have a modeling whatever to do, why the hell are you here? Missed me..?" Jonghyun said.

"Dream on, dude. I escaped the photoshoot. I got a problem, dudes. No! A BIG problem." I said, sighing.

"Problem..? What problem..? I like solving problem..? Is your problem that you don't know how to go home..? Don't worry! I know it! I'm just like a map. I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm th--- Owwww!" Taemin slapped Key's arm.

"What..? Just helping! You're too abusive!" Key defended.

"Well, you're NOT helping, you jerk! Don't sing again! You're voice, sucks!" Taemin said, disgusted.

"But.... HEY! I'm your hyung! Respect me!!!" Key shouted.

"Ohh, Is that so..? Peace!" Taemin pouted. Uhhh, that maknae! IS CUTE!! Hahahaha!

"And for your information, maknae, My voice is like the voice of an angel! Flying in heaven, singing like no tomorrows, voice that shines and--- Ow! What was that for,?" Onew slapped his arm, Again =_=

"Shut up! Chanyeol has a problem here, yet, you keep on blabbering and day dreaming there! You even involved the poor angels!" Onew said.

"Uhhh! Don't mind them, Dude.  Just tell us what you're problem is." Minho said to me.

"*sigh* Remember my ex? The one I left for my career..?" I asked them.

Then Onew, Taemin and Key stopped arguing. SHINee is the only one who knew my past, with her.

"Yeah! The one you loved, the one you like, the one you cherished, the only one you thought, the---.." Key said =_= Aigoo. This guy!

"Shut Up!" They said in chorus

"What about her..?" Taemin asked.

"Well, she's the model we'll working with." I said.


"*sigh* We knew." Jonghyun said.

O_____________________O What The Fudge..?! THEY KNEW..??? SINCE WHEN AND   WHY DID'NT THEY TELL ME..!!!???? Huhuhuhu ;"(

I feel betrayed :(


"Since yesterday. Manager hyung told us." Taemin said.

"Uhh! Next time, when it envolves me, TELL ME, OKAY..?! AHHRGG!" I kicked the stool.

"Calm down, bro." Minho said.

"Calm your face. I feel betrayed!" I said.

"Dude, you're not joking! She's really hot and GORGEOUS!" Jonghyun said. =_=

"Fuck off, dude. She's only mine. MINE! Got that?! Tsk." I shot a tequilla.

"I only said that she's gorgeous.... and hot! But, I have no intention to take her away from you. So, she's yours." Jonghyun defended and shot a tequilla, too.


"So, what's your plan dude..?" Minho asked.

"I'll take her back. And never hurt her again." I said.

"We'll help you, bro." Taemin said.

"Thanks." Then we bro-fisted.

"YEY! OPERATION: GET KIM YON SHIN BACK!" Key shouted like a kid.

Hahahaha! Aigoo~ That childish! Childish as ever! I'm thankful that a have these guys. Aside from EXO of course.

But I'm not kidding that I wan't YonShin back. I wan't to start again. with her.

-~-~-~-~>                        <~-~-~-~-~

Ni Hao! Lame =_= But, I have to inform you that










I'm a SHAWOL too!

My co-SHAWOL out there..? Who's your biases..? Mine is...












EXO&SHINee<3 :* *chu

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