~John Breaks Chris Out~

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After Alicia was normal, she and her men finally captured chris the Gunslinger. Unfortunately, they couldn't get anything out of him. He was impenetrable. Anything we threw at him, it wouldn't hurt him. Alicia then got a message that someone was going to get him free. His name was John Caldwell, a friend of Chris's and they were going to set free chris. So half the country protected him from. Not escaping this horror. So they sent him to a secured prison. He was the only prisoner there. Chris, being protected by 12,000 elite guards. They had too or else they would get fired. They all wanted the bounty but chris wanted to stay away from that but he got captured instead.

The prison was heavily guarded with soldier that protected chris. Chris was a soldier that almost eliminated almost half the entire country but the country decided to heavily guard Chris's body so he wouldn't escape but I wasn't worried for them. I was worried about the man coming for me. A powerful warrior named John. A universal killer.

~Eric Lockholm~
I quietly pace the corridor, cracking my neck in my borrowed guard's uniform. I glance over and the prisoner is still there, on his cot, arm over his eyes. The lights suddenly flash and then go out. The emergency lights flicker on, flooding the place in a dull, bloody red. I turn, and see a figure coming down the corridor. I pull off my hat and lunge at him. He dodges and clips my back. I hit the floor but bounce back, punching his belly. He swears, and I dodge him, and then hit him again, slamming my right fist against his stomach. He pushes me back, and I kick his chest. The door lock already weak from no power snapped as he crashed against it. As he stumbled back, I brought my right hand heavily on his face. I heard a nose crack, as he threw me off and bolted.

The more intruders start coming. More and more helpers came to Eric's side just to help fight the battle. But it wasn't over yet. This fight was going to keep on going till everyone was dead.

Safehouse. I never really liked them. They never actually served their purpose. The criminal put in them never really managed to stay safe. He was lying on the couch, his hands laced behind his head. I heard a car slam, and rose. I heard a quickly silenced yell, and I grabbed the prisoner. I dragged him upstairs as the doors imploded. I turned and fired several shots at the door. The prisoner dove into a closet and I slammed a door further down. I came rushing back and several soldiers  vaulted up the stairs. I kicked one down, and stabbed the other two. They all crashed unceremoniously down at the bottom of the stairs. Another one lunged at me, dodging my stabs. We sparred, his two knives and my two stings. Eventually I cut both arms and stabbed his heart. The other guards had silenced the rest, and we dragged the prisoner out for an examination. Wave two, I muttered. "How long is this gonna last?"

Back in the prison again, I found myself once again pacing the corridor outside the prisoner's cell.* "Why are you so valuable?" _I asked him. He didn't answer me. Never did. I resumed my pacing. I waited for the lights to flicker again, assuming that another assassination plot would be underway. No such warning. A tight foursome of guards came marching down; military police riot gear. My suspicion came too late to the game. By the time I reacted, I was already pinned to the floor with a riot shield mashed against my face. I kicked heavily as I heard rattlings of keys across locks. The body on me swore and rolled off. I picked up the shield as I pulled myself to my feet by yanking another one down. The door was opening, and I brought down the shield on the third faux guard. He fell against the cell bars and crashed to the floor. I leapt into the cell, and the last guard turned, firing a micro-uzi. Fortunately, the shield deflected the bullets away. I charged him, smashing him against the wall, snapping his neck. I felt someone collar me and yank me away, and I flew out of the cell. I slammed down, the shield long gone. I rolled and lunged at the cell: one last impersonator was beating the prisoner. I broke his arm as he raised it to strike the prisoner again. As he turned, I slammed my fist into his belly. He slammed against the cell wall, and I broke his neck. I turned to look at the prisoner, and he was lying in a puddle of blood. I checked his pulse; still throbbing.* _"MEDIC!!!"__ I yelled. "MEDIC!!!!"

The alarm went off some more as helicopters and some sorts of a medical team came to rescue and took you and your team including the prisoner to the hospital, but Chris didn't answer your question cause he didn't react at all....

In transit to the hospital, the prisoner lying half dead in the armored ambulance ahead of us, as we raced behind in a HumV. This was getting insane. Not only did we have to babysit this idiot, but we also had to cart his half-dead body around wherever someone wanted it. It was nonsense! As I thought this grimly, the soldier above me in the gunners nest jolted and dropped. He landed beside me, throat sliced open. The hair on my neck bristled as my stings slid out. A body dropped through the hatch, and I kicked it away. Another guard bit the dust with a bloody screech, and several gunshots echoed as guards took a chance on hitting the intruder. Then the HumV began jolting as someone started firing the 50. cal above. Amid all the sweat, stink, blood, bouncing, and chaos, the first intruder slammed into me. I sensed his knife and slapped the side of his head. As he rolled, I turned and brought my fist down on him. He swatted me, and my head slammed into the wall. As stars danced around, I felt something stab me, shallowly on my lower left side. I swore and struck my attacker, slamming him against  the opposite wall and stabbing him repeatedly with my Sting. Leaving him bleeding, I pulled myself painfully up through the gunners hatch just in time to witness the ambulance swerve off the road. I caught the gunner and bashed his head on the roof of the HumV and pulled myself up and out of the vehicle. I opened up with my AR as a dozen dark figures rushed at the medical vehicle. With all visible threats down, and the driver and shotgun of the HumV covering me, I made my way to the wreckage of the ambulance. The prisoner, unfortunately for me, was still alive.

"You'd better be enjoying yourself. Even millionaires spend less time seeing the world than you do." I growled. The final draft attempt at keeping this nitwit alive: luxury cruise across the pacific. The only bright side to this was that if somebody came to hunt him down, we could see him from a mile off. It was silence around as the ship bobbed on the clear water. He was lying on his deck chair, his arm in a cast, his head wrapped and a dozen scrapes on his face. Considering how I had last seen him in the ambulance three days previous, I was impressed at how intact he was. I glanced up as a quiet hum became audible on the horizon. Swearing, I looked around. A dim black shape on the horizon was slowly growing bigger. Then, once it was perceptible, there was another little black dot which rushed away from the helicopter. "Missile!" Someone shouted above. There wasn't enough time to react. The missile hit the ship and exploded. The ship was ripped apart. Timber flew everywhere, fires erupted. A second missile came and hit. The ship split into at least five pieces, and I was thrown off into the water. As I landed in the water, I looked up and struggled to surface. As I broke the surface, a heavy piece of shipping smashed down on me.....

After the big explosion and the explosion had knocked you out. And the entire crew that had came with you. A powerful and god like man came through the door with future like soldiers behind him. John wanted me because he wanted to save me the starts of war. John entered grabbing the cell and leaving the hospital while leaving the people there to die. What will happen next? John has plans and the military need to do something about it.

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