The Suprise

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*Kalvin's pov*


"KALVIN YOU SKANK, COME DOWN HERE!" My stepdad shouts.

I run downstairs as quickly as possible.

"Yes sir?!" I quickly say, straitening my back.

"You are dumb! You need to go to school!" He shouts.

"O-okay" I say as I smile in the inside.

"BUT we aren't driving you there. It's a 45 minute walk!" My stepdad spat.

My jaw dropped.

"DONT YOU DARE DROP YOUR JAW!" My stepmother screams.

"Gee, it was just a jaw drop" I whispered under my breath.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF-" my step mother screams.

"Nothing, nothing!" I shake as I run upstairs.

I sit on the floor and imagine how much friends I would make.

"I can't wait!" I laugh as I hear my stepdad call for me again.

"Ye-yes sir?" I mumbled.

"Get me a bag of chips! Fresh, from, the, store!" He shouts.

"I-wh-wi-how do I buy it, wheres the money?" I shake.

"DONT ASK ME FOR MONEY! USE YOUR MONEY!" My da-stepdad shouts as the house shakes.

"I d-d-don't have money..." I whisper.

"WELL IM NOT GIVING YOU MONEY!' My stepdad jumps up, walks to me while tensing his fist and punches me across the face.


He kicks me, leaving me down on the ground.

I look to the window and see a boy, that looks the same age, unlocking the doors.

"H-h-help" I cry, trying to reach the boy.

"Dad, who's this?" The boy asks, jiggling his leg to remove my hand holding him.

"Some pathetic boy that isn't welcome to his original family" my step mum spat.

"Oh, welcome back Ben" my stepdad says, not looking at the boy and saying it with a boring tone.

"H-hi" the boy says as he runs upstairs.

"KALVIN, UNPACK BEN'S STUFF" my stepmum demands.

I nod as I crawl up the stairs, screaming in pain.

*Ben's pov*

The boys crawls into my room.

"Hi" the boy smiles a bit.

"Hi, what's your name?" I ask, helping him up and leading him to my bed.

"Ka-k-alvin" he answers.

"I'm sorry ab-" I pause when I see my mother step into the room.

"I-I- I mean, get me some food! I'm hungry!" I fake demand.

I felt so sorry for Kalvin. I had to be mean to him because my parents tell me to. If I don't, they'll do something horrible to me. I'm a person that puts other people AFTER me.

"Kalvin! Hurry up! My son doesn't want to die of hunger!" My mum shouts.

"Y-y-yes ma'am" Kalvin cries as he walks downstairs.

Ma'am?! They are so mean to him! What a poor thing. I need to do something before anything else is done. Anything bad!

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