Please read whether you're an artist or not + an art post.

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Art post:
Art above was done 2 weeks(?) ago for a good friend of mine and her OC.

Please read:
I don't like it when people send hate in any sort of way towards other people. Constructive criticism is more than okay to me, but straight up flaming people for what they do is, to me, very inappropriate. When people start bashing on other people's original characters/ideas/art or simply flame them cause they dislike it, that's not helping them get any better. I'm saying this for everyone, not just me.

If someone wants to create their characters the way they do, let them. They're learning even if they turn up mary sue or completely unfit into their fandom or if their art doesn't look good. You don't need to send hate to them directly or indirectly where they can still read it and know it's them--that's rude. Talk amongst your friends PRIVATELY if you want. No one can prevent that. Plus, things like not well developed characters or art happen to first timers, for sure. There are other people who just struggle in creating a character or drawing in general and people who do it to get other people mad. So what? It's not like they'll affect your characters or ever make an appearance in said fandom. If someone is doing it DIRECTLY towards you, copy your art and characters entirely, or even steal your art, then you have all the right to be mad.

If you don't like their own creations don't read it or simply help them by giving them advice. If they don't want the advice, it's their loss. If they do want the advice, I'm sure they're happy to get it, but in a form of constructive criticism rather than in a form of hate and anger. Please remember if you do that, you're not only making yourself look bad but also hurting them. Be respectful towards one another. If the opposing side isn't respectful, then forget about them. They mean nothing to you.

Remember that people may look at your characters the same way you look at others as well, so your designs may be no better than others and no, this does not mean I think I'm any better at designing. In fact I heavily believe I can strive for more.

Constructive criticism is a great way for artists and writers to improve since these are simply advices on what they can do to help their work grow. It may sound hurtful at first, but you should know these types of comment aren't meant to hurt you but to help you. Comments that have people bashing on you heavily or saying things they straight up hate because it looks bad is NOT constructive criticism.

For everyone who do recolors or rely on base usage-- I'm sure many people have been there, even I used bases before lol-- but for those who do use these, please learn how to stray away from it soon and use it as an inspiration instead of a tool for your art physically. You may not be aware of it, but that's a form of art thieving. Also, please remember to credit the person who provide the base and the series itself because you do not own it. I know many people who use the excuse "but I can't draw or design!" and even say things like "you draw good good, unlike me..." Learn. I encourage you to learn. It will take time, but it will pick up for you in different forms, I promise. Everyone is different. Either you learn fast or you learn slow, but it will come for sure-- don't give up. If you continue to put yourself down like that, you'll get nowhere with your skill and it's also a sign that you've given up before you even started. If you aren't interested in honing that artistic ability, then don't complain.

Everyone can draw. You can draw a line, a stick figure, a blob, something you wish to be a dinosaur even if it doesn't turn out right: those are all drawings. I've been drawing for about 10 years already, my art started off just as bad as everyone with terribly straight anatomy like boxes and rectangles even a triangular face where my brother and I kept calling pizza face as a joke nowadays, simple long dresses, simple skirts, simple pants, simple t-shirts and I was even very embarrassed to have it shared with anyone because I was always insulted about my art and even compared to people with better art. Hell, I even believed I couldn't draw anything. But hey, I kept drawing and look how far I've come. Pretty far I say and I know I can go farther if I keep trying and learning.

I started of drawing art I've found online and also using bases to draw. I didn't understand what or even knew art thieving was until I was in 8th grade. I started straying away from replicating the artwork and base usage in 7th and depended on my own creativity even if they looked bad. My designs were no different. They had little to nothing special. They were only simple looking clothes. I thought it was better to quit and stopped drawing for nearly a year, but I came back to it because I was told I wasn't being persistent enough in my art and I was only looking for good compliments rather than the helpful harsh ones.

And it's true. I was scared of constructive criticism because I thought it was meant to hurt me. But no. Looking back at it, they only told me what was wrong and what could be done better. Sure there were people who hated my art because they just did and wanted to voice it out and discourage me, but you need to learn to build up against them and show them what you can do.

Art is a long process and fully insulting people won't help them build. That would only discourage them as much as you have been discouraged. You may not believe that  you aren't being held back, but people who tend to insult others no matter how good their art or characters may seem are being held back. I've seen many people's art and designs. They look good and I do admit that, but they give no signs of emotion or anything that stands out to me to be praised more.

I've seen many of their comments to understand what kind of people they were displaying themselves as: two-faced, attention seeking, stuck up, and many of the likes.

I've seen bad art that I know need more improvement, but they seem much livelier than those before. They were amateurs who wanted help, who were proud of what they came up with, who wanted to share rather than look for attention.

Art and original character creations are meant to be fun. It's not a job or a task. It's for the artists to enjoy. I, myself, enjoy what I do and allow myself to do what my creativity wants to do. That's how my art strives. I strive to bring in more artists, encourage them to draw, inspire them to start their own, grow their positivity and their courage to start. So please again, don't discourage people with such negative comments. Just help them respectfully, okay? Being artistically creative isn't easy. It's actually one of the hardest things to hone and keep. Why else do writers and artists of any form struggle with their jobs and creations?

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