ABIDE: 'cause you've never left me. Well, you've stayed with me in all of my worst moments.
NAIVE: well, I cannot know about your thoughts, but every day you show a lot of it, an' they're so nice.
GAINER: you get eveything you want.
EAGERNESS: you know? you always strive to achieve your goals.
LASTING: I haven't yet met a person who keeps her word for so long, time.
ENCOURANGING: your presence encourages me to be better, always.
SAFE: as I told you, you make me good, you always are the light, which always shines an' illuminates my path, which makes me feels safe.Significados:
Abide: permanecer, soportar(me).
Naive: cándida, sencilla.
Gainer: ganadorx.
Eagerness: afán.
Lasting: perdurable, duradero.
Encouranging: alenadorx.
Safe: de estar a salvo(yo).