☁︎ ONE

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- you met him in a local coffee shop not too far from where you lived
- that damn cheesy smile
- had the littlest conversation but it was sweet & heart-warming
- exchanged snapchat usernames

- you met him in your spanish class
- those damn pick up lines
- "do you have a name or can i call you mine?"
- inappropriate jokes (of course)
- exchanged home addresses so you guys could "study" sometime 😏

- you met him at a high school football game
- "woah uhh- hi"
- smol bean omfg
- he led you to sit down with him and cheer on y'alls home team
- he steals glances when you aren't looking
- exchanged numbers

- you met him ridding his bike down Neibolt St.
- "damn you're pretty"
- "oh umm thanks... was i supposed to hear that?"
- he's red af
- uses his aspirator like it's his job
- walks you to your house
- glances at your ass when you turn to walk inside your house
- "i- i'll see yo- you la- later?"
- bill fucking denbrough

- you met him at a high school baseball game
- batter hits a foul ball
- almost hits you but the curly haired boy pulled you to him
- "wow thanks, such a gentleman"
- "it's no problem, so what's your name?"
- smiles the entire time
- walks you home after the game

- you met him in the park bird watching
- you were currently crying after a break-up
- "oh goodness are you alright?"
- what a freaking king
- rubs your back and comforts you
- "i guess, just a break-up"
- leads you to his spot to bird watch with him
- drys your tears
- "well, i'm Stanley but you can call me Stan"
- ends up having a great time
- exchanged phone numbers

- you met him at an art gallery
- you accidentally turn around and bump into a well-mannered boy
- "i'm so sorry, i- uhh- never mind."
- "no no it's okay miss."
- his adorable smile never fails
- "by the way i'm Jaeden, mind if i tag along? you seem a bit lonely."
- gentleman affffff
- "don't mind at all."
- stays until closing time
- exchanged instagram usernames

- you met him at the Derry parade
- you caught his eye by laughing with your friends
- your friends noticed him and nudged your shoulder
- he's a freakin bean
- "h-h-hi."
- "hi!"
- stuttering mess
- gestures you to walk with him
- i-i-i-i'm b-b-bi-"
- "bill denbrough"
- he's red as a freakin cherry
- "y-y-yeah"
- so polite
- ends up exchanging home addresses

hope you enjoyed the first part of my book ♡ xoxo - claire

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