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- lots of pizza
- old time movies
- lots of laughing
- sleepy eyes but tends to stay up
- cutest pecks on the lips every 3 minutes
- does the stupidest things together

- tubs of ice cream cause why not?
- rock music
- maybe even rounds of Street Fighter down at the arcade
- late night walks
- gotta use that trash-mouth of his
- takes you back to his house
- ends up making out on the couch with romantic music

- binges on tootsie pops
- goes live on Insta till 3AM
- bunch of jokes & giggles
- you play in his hair
- funny faces (smol bean)
- teases you
- adorable unexpected pecks on the lips
- comments explode
- "y'all are so adorable"

- late night drugstore shopping
- candy candy candy
- y'all make a bunch of noise
- make sure he gets his aspirator refilled
- goes back to your house
- eats every bag of candy
- cheek kisses here and there
- stays the night (he doesn't want to go back to his moms, i don't blame him haha)

- mario kart grand prix races
- he beats you in every one of them
- lets you win ONE (bitch) 🤬
- laughs at you because you fail every time
- lots of pouting & misery
- he thinks it's adorable
- long kisses to make you feel better
- ends up forgetting about the game and just makes out with you
- lots of noodle grabbing

- you help him study (that book thingy in the church.. idk haha)
- steals long glances of you when you aren't looking
- he gets up to close his door 😏🤩
- doesn't want to study
- instead you guys play checkers on his floor
- of course he wins
- you give up so you get up and go lay on his bed
- comes and passionately kisses you
- fuckin pervy jew

- so much anime
- you try to get his attention but fails
- instead you kiss his cheek
- oh yea he looks at you now (smh)
- ends up going to a drugstore and getting icee's & airheads
- walks back to his house (you skip almost the whole way there)
- thinks you're so adorable
- y'all share an icee
- you feed him pieces of airheads
- so much smiles
- absolute cutest nose kisses

- just a basic sleepover
- popcorn and shit like that
- snuggles & more snuggles
- ends up trying to throw popcorn in your mouth
- laughter fills the house
- you crawl up to him and kiss him cause he's fuckin adorable ya know?
- playful & gentle wrestling matches
- of course wins
- ends up tickling you
- more kisses

remember i'll do a face reveal after 1K reads... so keep reading gals (; ♡ xoxo - claire

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