Into The Storm

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Kaido: damn why did I have to go get my shit fucked up like that.

Tori: its fine as long as we know what the problem is and can maintain it we are in luck.

Treble: that's good for you to say and it doesn't even matter. We got separated from Gin and Weiss.

Tori: and? You don't think we 3 can make it on our own?

Treble: that wasn't what I was implying but if you insist be my guest.

Scene: Tori is starting to not like trebles attitude. He's being a bit nit-picky about Kaido and his injuries just like Weiss was previously. This isn't good for the three of them. Kaido being highly responsive along with Toris and Trebles attitude when it comes to confrontation.

Tori: Treble don't keep pushing it.

Treble: who in the hell are you to tell me not to push it? My fucking father is out there held up by raiders I have every right to be this way!

Scene: this puts Tori in a foul mood and she doesn't want to tell Treble the real truth about what happened to his father General Mason. And it hurts her just as bad to know the real truth. Treble is only 23 and young just like the rest of them. To learn of his father's death this early on in the mission would completely devastate him. Their true mission is to take out the raiders before they begin their invasion. Although Tori is unsure with herself maybe General Mason is somehow still alive and that maybe there's a chance. But with what she saw there's no chance in that. Treble had better hush before she spills it.

Tori: Treble I am your friend but I'm also your superior out here and you will follow my orders! Do you understand!

Treble: No I don't understand and I'm not gonna sit here while you belittle me with spite.

Scene: before Tori could respond Kaido cocks his left hand back and it launches like a nuclear missile and crashes into Trebles face laying him flat on his ass.
Treble is shocked and is lost for words and thought during this moment.

Kaido: Such arrogance and disrespect. You need to rethink who you're talking to. I haven't been on this squad that long but I do know what happened that and it would be best if you just shut the fuck up so we can get outta here. Gin and Weiss risked their lives just now to give us an opening so that gives up time to get a head start to meet up at the first terminal.

Tori: Kaido....

Kaido: I'm fucking hurt do you think I can sit here while you both bicker and shit?

Tori: so do you know how we can get back to Gin?

Treble: Wait so you didn't know did you?!

Kaido: hey now lets not don't start with this again...

Treble: ha I knew it Tori might act all big and strong but shes still just a

Scene: Tori instantly gets up and lifts treble in the air like its nothing.

Tori: Huh Treble? I'm still just a what now? Huh, Treble? Say that again. I cant hear you with my hands over your throat!

Scene: Kaido sees two winged beast creatures that entered the hallway and one of them is aiming for Tori. By the time Tori could realize it Kaido dashes in an cuts one of the monsters paws off. It was a clean and solid cut too. One that is not to be trifled with.

Kaido: I'm sorry I cant keep on doing this I've used up the last of my strength to do that.

Scene: As Kaido is speaking while the winged beast creature is squealing and screaming he starts to shake and shiver. His body is starting to shut down almost similar to how Gins did when he went into a coma. Tori sees this and the flashbacks and everything from their journey 5 months ago comes back and makes her so furious she lets go of Treble and crushes the snout of the winged beast. The sound of the cracking and screeching of the creature was terrifyingly unpleasant. Not to mention there was no stopping her from continuing her outrage by smashing in its ribs and face repeatedly with her steel-toed boots.

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