Chapter 11 - midseason finale live stream

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This chapter is important for the plot Read till end.............only if you wish❤️

Me and Alex sat together on the large bus that was taking us home from a location shoot.

I turned on my iPhone and placed it against the small table in front of us and clicked go live!

Tyler's POV
Me and Alex sat on the couch with the iPad in front of us. I was practically sitting on alex, he had his arm around my waist and my head was on his shoulder. We usually sat like this during films or livestreams. Jensen and Jared joke that we look like a couple, we usually just brush them of by saying we best friends and it's a normal occurrence anyways. But lately I'm not so sure.. I don't know... I guess I'm just going to wait and see what happens

I saw comments and questions flying across the screen. Most of them asking about jax or Malvert. I read out one of them out.
"Who is your favourite sibling?"
I laughed pressing my finger to my lips pretending to think.
I could hear my older brother hobbling along the end of the bus.
"What you do mean misha, I'm your blood you bitch"
I held my middle finger behind me whilst reading more comments about the midseason finale.

= omg, I love their relationship

=teddy's so gorggg I can't☺️

= Tyler your so beautiful

= are they dating??

= yesss bitchhh

= looks at Alex's hand *dies*

= it's around her shoulders😅


I looked to Alex his face smiling and laughing at some of the ridiculous but loving comments coming from the screen. I continued to stare at him, not in a creepy way
Okay maybe it's kinda creepy..
He is just so cute, I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I'm so thankful.


I could feel Tyler's eyes on me, I pretended to ignore it and read the comments more. However the fans weren't ignoring it.


= Get a girlfriend that looks at you the way Tyler looks at Alex

= my new screen saverrrrrrrrrrr

= how are they so cute

= I don't think Tyler even realises 😂

= young love

= what was your favourite scene to film this episode and why??

= ewwwww

= she deserves better



= arrweee

I'm so happy to have Tyler, she is literally become one of the best people in my life. I love her to pieces. However lately I just don't know how to feel... she's just so beautiful, funny and such an amazing person. She is someone I can see myself spending my whole life with. Either just by being best friends or maybe something else..
hopefully something else..

Tyler POV

I snapped out from my gaze
Hopefully no one noticed..

I looked at the screen

"Okay this is from Michellerowland
Can you please give us a hint into what we are going to see next from max, p.s I love you!!!
Arrww I love you tooo!!!"
I blew a quick kiss to the screen

"Well, as you saw in tonight's episode max has finally chosen to work with asmodias because of her demonic bond with the princes of hell. At the moment I think she feels like she's in a corner. On the one hand she has this beautiful broken little family that has always stuck by through everything, but however at the moment they are all treating her like she's broken after her mother being gone and how theirs friends are all dead.

She I think she feels like going back to this dark place where she doesn't have to feel that way is kind of like her version of deans drinking.... it's like an addiction. Sort of like when Sam was addicted to drinking demon blood, but much worse because she knows that her blood is practically pure demonic.

What you can expect is lots of heart wrenching scenes, lots of badass max. this time is much worse than ever before. Let's just say I don't think she will ever totally recover from this. Let's just hope the boys are their for her!

Thank you for your question!!"

I quickly pinched Alex's cheek as he was trying to distract with by playing with my hair. He laughed and gestured me to keep going.

"I'm done you dumb asss"

"Alright, i will answer some questions"

"Okay, this one is from jack.max.Winchester
How does jack feel about all these recent events and what's in store for the next half of this season?"

As Alex was talking I took the opportunity to annoy him. I lied my body across his lap on the seat we where sitting on I reached my hands up To his face trying to distract him from his question. He started to laugh and try and swat my hands away, this ended up in a small fight between our hands and arms. He still continued to talk.

"Uhhhh- Okay- yes jack feels totally responsible and very confuse- Tyler STOP!! Aha......... yeah I think he is going to miss max so much, but he is determined to bring her back from this darkness she has inside of her...... "

"You dick" i said

"Yeah so I'm really excite- stop aahah... um yeah stay tuned!!!! Love you all!""

I tried to pin his arms back but it just ended up in me pined against the bus window. We couldn't stop laughing. I decided to end the livestream there

"Love you all byeeeeeeee"

I turned of the livestream and turned to face alex I had my back against the bus window, our faces where dangerously close, I could feel his breath cascading from his pink lips. He went to lean in and so did I. I suddenly felt his lips on mine, they were soft and slow. It wasn't a long kiss but it was short and sweet. We pulled back I bit my lip and moved so my head was on his shoulder and we just sat there as the bus took us home...


I HAVE NOW OVER 700 reads
Thank you so so so much, I'm so happy how this book is turning out!!

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