Stay, Stay, Stay | Percabeth/Hiccstrid (at the end)

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This is based off of Taylor Swift's song 'Stay, Stay, Stay'. This one shot will also have another couple at the end, as the title says. In parentheses are the lyrics the part represents.

Annabeth was mad. She started yelling at Percy, who just looked bewildered. "How dare you!" She cried, anger making her cheeks red. Percy looked confused, and asked, "What did I do?" Annabeth's eyes widened, "What did you do?" She cried hysterically, "What did you do?" Her eyes filled with fury, her voice rising, she screamed in his face, "You left me alone! There were hundreds of monsters, and you just left!" Percy opened his mouth to protest, but Annabeth just glared. "Don't you dare! I've had enough!"
She threw her emergency phone at him, and he dodged it, catching it. "Anna-" He didn't get to finish, as Annabeth was already gone. (I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night. I threw my phone across the room at you. I was expecting some dramatic turn away, but you~ stayed.)

The next morning, Annabeth walked over to Cabin Three. "Percy?" She asked. There was no answer. "I'm sorry, can we talk?" There was a shuffling noise, before the son of the sea god walked out, a loose football helmet on his head that moved as he walked. "Okay, let's talk." Annabeth started laughing softly. (This morning I said we should talk about it, because I read you should never leave a fight unresolved. That's when you came in with a football helmet and said, "Okay, let's talk.")

Annabeth stopped laughing almost immediately. "Stay, please!" She cried out, tears streaming down her face. "I've been in love with you for quite a while, and you think it's funny when I'm mad," she started rambling, as Percy stared, chuckling under his breath at the fact she thought she needed to apologize. "But I think it's best if we both stayed. Before you, I only liked guys who took all their problems out on me." Percy raised an eyebrow, knowing she only liked Luke before him, and he definitely didn't do that. "But you carry my stuff, and I'm always laughing." Percy smiled as she kept talking, not interrupting. (And I said, "Stay, Stay, Stay." I've been loving you for some quite some time, time, time. You think it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad. But I think that it's best if we both stayed. Before you, I only dated self-indulgent takers who took all out all their problems on me. But you carry out all my groceries, and now I'm always laughing.)

"I love you because you've given me no choice but to stay. You took the time to memorize me. All my fears, hopes, and dreams." Percy took off the helmet, and when to hug Annabeth, but she stepped back slightly, an apologetic expression on her face. "I just like hanging out with you. All the time! And all those times you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me that I want to hang out with you for my entire life. Stay." Percy stepped forwards and hugged her. "And I'll be loving you for quite some time. No one else will love me when I'm mad." Annabeth continued, slightly muffled. Percy chuckled, still holding her. (And I love you because you have given me no choice but to stay, stay, stay. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad. But I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay, stay. You took the time to memorize me. My fears, my hopes, and dreams. I just like hangin' out with you, all the time. All those times that you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life. Stay, and I'll be loving you for quite some time. No one else is going to love me, when I get mad, mad, mad.)
Percy shushed her, not allowing her to say anymore. "Hey, you didn't have to do that." He said, chuckling. Annabeth looked up at him. "Wise Girl, you were forgiven the second you left." Annabeth buried her head into Percy's chest, sobbing. He gently stroked her head, muttering to her.

716 words for Percabeth.
That one was short, and I didn't finish the song completely because it was just the chorus after that. I hope you enjoyed, and now... the Hiccstrid one!


(I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night. I threw my phone across the room at you. I was expecting some dramatic turn away, but you, stayed.) Astrid was ticked off beyond hope. "How dare you!" Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "You flew, alone, looking for hunter ships! You could've gotten hurt, didn't tell anyone where you were going, and what if the worst had happened? Or what if you had gotten captured?" Astrid ranted. Toothless nudged Hiccup, silently asking why Astrid was mad at them. Looking anywhere but at Astrid, Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a very familiar axe flying at his head. He ducked as soon as he saw it, and it landed just millimeters above where his skull would be. If he hadn't ducked, it would've cut off some hair.
   Instead of yelling, Hiccup just stood there calmly. He stayed put, and Astrid turned and ran out of his hut.

(This morning I said we should talk about it, because I read you should never leave a fight unresolved. That's when you came in with a football helmet and said, "Okay, let's talk.") Astrid stood in front of Hiccup's hut nervously, and knocked. "Hiccup? Can we talk?" Hiccup opened the door, an over-sized Viking helmet on his head. Astrid briefly wondered where he got it, before he said. "Alright. What do you want to talk about, m'lady?"

(And I said, "Stay, Stay, Stay." I've been loving you for some quite some time, time, time. You think it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad. But I think that it's best if we both stayed. Before you, I only dated self-indulgent takers who took all out all their problems on me. But you carry out all my groceries, and now I'm always laughing.) "Thor, Hiccup, I'm so sorry! Please, please, don't leave me!" Astrid cried out, "We've been together for quite a while, and you know I love you!" Hiccup started to laugh, amusement lacing his words, "Aww, is Astrid mad?" "Shut up!" She pouted, not letting him continue.
   "I think it's best if we stay together. I used to think I'd have to end up with Snotlout of all people, and we all know how he is." Astrid lamented, Hiccup still chuckling slightly, knowing she was already forgiven. He was half-wondering how long this was going to continue. "But now? I'm always laughing, you carry everything I can't or want you to, and you're just the best." Astrid swallowed, refusing to look at Hiccup.
  (And I love you because you have given me no choice but to stay, stay, stay. I've been lovin' you for quite some time, time, time. You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad. But I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay, stay. You took the time to memorize me. My fears, my hopes, and dreams. I just like hangin' out with you, all the time. All those times that you didn't leave, it's been occurring to me I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life. Stay, and I'll be loving you for quite some time. No one else is going to love me, when I get mad, mad, mad.) "I love you so much and I have no choice but to stay, otherwise I'll get torn apart! I've loved you for quite a while, and of course you find it funny when I'm mad!" She exclaimed, looking at him and seeing him with a slightly amused face. "You know all my dreams, hopes, and all my fears, which no one else knows. I love flying with you and spending time with you, and just doing everything with you!" She said, sobbing now. Hiccup's amusement immediately melted away, replaced with concern. Which he had in the first place, just not as much. "I want to  stay with you forever, no one else can even get close to me when I'm mad, and you still love me, even when I'm threatening to kill you." Astrid cried, choked up.
   She cried into the warm chest she was pulled against, Hiccup holding her against his chest, caressing her hair with one hand, holding her with the other. "Shh, it's okay. Shhh..." He whispered. "You were forgiven a long time ago." He muttered into her hair, which he had ended up burying his face in. He moved his other hand to hug her harder, and just stood there as she sobbed, saying 'I'm sorry'-s into his chest.


761 words for Hiccstrid! About even. Hope you guys enjoyed this song-based one-shot. I'm doing two more because I have two more perfect songs for these two ships. Don't worry, I'll being doing other ships too.

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