Chapter 3 - Working With Mr Bad Boy

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Chapter 3 - Working With Mr Bad Boy

- Jasmine -

After I ate dinner that night I called Zoe. She picked up on the first ring, which gave me the feeling she was expecting me to call. "Hey." she answered sounding really frustrated. "Are you okay Zozy?" I asked the worry noticeable in my voice. "Yeah Jazz, just really frustrated about having to work with Dylan." she spat his name out.

"I know how you feel because I have to work with Corey." I mumbled.

"We can get though this together right Jazz?" Zoe asked.

"Yep we can do this, because they are only stupid boys." I almost shouted in determination.

I glanced out my window, I could see Corey lying on his bed texting. My long period of silence brought Zoe to question me as to why I had gone silent.

"Oh I was just thinking about my homework I haven't started yet." I lied. I hated lying to Zoe but I only lied to her if it wouldn't hurt her.

"Well then I had better let you get on with that then. I'll pick you up in the morning. Bye." she hung up.

Despite the early hour I crawled under my covers and went to sleep.


- Corey -

Of all the people I could have been picked to go with I had to get her. I suppose you know who I'm talking about? Yep Jasmine Foster.

It's bad enough that we had to move in next door to her, and now this. I threw my phone down onto my bed and ran my hand through my hair.

A knock on my door interrupted me. "Corey, your friend Dylan is here to see you." my mum called.

"Yeah send him up." I muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

A few minutes later Dylan was seated on my bed and I paced the room.

"Dude, can you believe we have to study with the nerds for a whole term!" he whined.

"I'm still working on believing it though." I answered. Dylan stared aimlessly out my window until his eyes fell upon Jasmine.

Jasmine was already asleep and she had left her curtains open. Odd.

"Like who leaves their curtains open at night?" Dylan laughed.

"Obviously she does." I said nonchalantly. Dylan started to talk about something else but my mind wandered to Jasmine. Her eyes, her smile and her hair. What the hell am I doing. Had this Good Girl gotten under my skin?

There was no way I was letting her get any further under than she already was. That's for sure.


- Jasmine -

I now dreaded English because of this whole parter thing. It was so stupid! I'd walked into science the next morning in an ok mood, because there was no English today. That was until I found out that this whole partners thing is for every class!

So for science I ended up with Corey in the library. Oh the joy. NOT. I told him to write a definition to explain what photosynthesis is. But all he did was play on his phone.

"Didn't I tell you to write down a definition?" I asked glaring at him.

"Yeah you did but I don't want to." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Do it!" I glared harder and whacked him with a wooden ruler.

"Make me!" he glared back standing over me.

"I'm not afraid of you." I spoke as strongly as I could, because deep down I was scared.

"Is that so." he mocked me. "As a matter of fact it is, you don't scare me at all. A mouse could be scarier than you." I mocked right back at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, grabbed his bag, and left.


- Zoe -

"For gods sake just do it!" I roared at Dylan. He was now pretending that I didn't exist. My eye began to twitch in annoyance, we hadn't managed to do anything this whole class because of him.

I suppose you could say saved by the bell when it finally rang. I couldn't wait to tell Jazz just how bad of a time I had just had.

I wandered down the hallway toward mine and Jasmine's lockers. On my way I passed Corey and Jane making out with each other pressed up against a locker. I mentally puked. Yuck, why would anyone want to kiss him I thought.

I finally met Jazz and we had our lunch at our normal table. Jasmine complained about Corey being a total pest and I complained about Dylan not doing what I asked him to.

"I literally whacked him with a wooden ruler and you know I'm not a violent person." Jazz sighed.

"I managed to refrain from violence, and just yelled at him." I answered and she just nodded.

"Yeah but Zoe it's every single class we have to put up with them." she whined in annoyance.

"What exactly can we do though." I shrugged hopelessly. Jazz just stared at her food and didn't reply.


- Jasmine -

After somehow surviving the rest of the day, I was happy to be free and to go home. Zoe was already waiting by her car and looked like she couldn't get out of here quick enough.

I picked up the pace which was probably a bad idea when I tripped on a divot in the foot path and fell.

I waited for the impact of the ground but it never came. I felt a strong arm wrapped around my waist and turned to see who it was.

I almost fainted when I saw that it was Corey Anderson holding me up.

"What are you doing." I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Although it would have been funny to see you face plant, I'm not that mean." he smirked his stupid smirk down at me.

"Aww Mr Bad Boy is going all soft." I teased.

He put me on my feet and let go of me. "Maybe you should watch where you going. And for your information I am not soft, next time I'll let you fall." he said in a harsh tone that scared me and with that he was gone.

He definantly was a bad boy because he wasn't soft and I had to stop saying that he was. He had just helped me not face plant and I hadn't even said thank you. Now I felt bad.

I didn't like to admit it but Corey actually did deserve an apology and a thank you, and as of now I owed him one.


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