Chapter 29 - I Don't Believe What I'm Seeing Right Now

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Chapter 29 - I Don't Believe What I'm Seeing Right Now

Dedicated to ElishaR for her amazing ideas.

- Corey -
I definitely felt like a pervert blundering around Jasmine's apartment at this hour. It was midnight and we were putting Zoe's plan into motion.

My job was to paper almost every surface with red heart shaped post-it notes. On some of them I had to write clues, to lead her to the next part of the hunt.

While I did that Zoe was laying red rose petals down the corridor outside her door. Dylan and Jake were doing god knows what, I hadn't seen them do anything yet.

I looked on Jasmine's refrigerator and she had photos stuck on. The first one consisted of her and Luke, the second her and Zoe and the last was a picture of her with the other half of the photo folded behind.

I know I shouldn't be snooping but I just can't help myself, I had to see who else was in that photo. I pulled it off an unfolded it. I stood there gaping in disbelief as I saw myself on the folded part. If she hated me so much then why wouldn't she just rip that off instead of folding it?

Maybe she was hoping I'd come back for her. I felt relief as that thought crossed my mind, I wanted nothing more than to have her back too.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Come on Corey it's time to go." Zoe whispered.

"Yeah I s'pose we should." I said glumly.

"You'll get to see her tomorrow, don't worry." Zoe comforted.

"Are you kidding? I don't worry." I said sternly.

"Yeah right." she mocked.

On our way out I saw a piece of paper on the bench with 'Kirsty' and a phone number on it. Who was Kirsty?

I didn't really have time to think because the others dragged me out of the apartment. Now I just had to hope that Zoe's plan would work because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't.


- Jasmine -
I woke up overly early this morning, and I had no idea why. My first class started at 10am and it was only seven thirty. I decided to get up and have a shower, get some breakfast and do some unpacking.

The shower was hot and I was refreshed and awake when I got out. I walked round to the kitchen to make coffee, when I notice that everywhere I looked was papered with red heart shaped post-it notes.

"What the hell." I gasped.

Had someone broken into my apartment? Most of the post-it notes had nothing on them. What was the point of it? I notice one among them all that had writing on it.

'Where do you enter your apartment?'

I stared at it, is it talking about the front door? I walked to the front door and opened it, I looked down the corridor and at first I didn't spot anything odd. That is until I saw a trail of red rose petals leading away from my door. I followed it down the corridor and it stopped at the at the fire escape stairwell.

Another post-it note was stuck to the door. 'Do you rise or fall?' It said.

I opened the door and there were two choices up or down. I hated to be up myself but I chose to go up because I don't fall. The only question was how far up should I go?

I walked up to the next floor, on the door it said 'keep going' so I did. I continued to the next floor up and that door said 'almost there' on its post-it note. I walked up to the last door and opened it, I was on the roof of the complex. I stepped out an red rose petals rained down over me.

'How deep is your love.' By the Bee Gees played softly in the background. I didn't even feel like I was in New York anymore as I spun in circles with my head up, under the rose petal rain.

I glanced down and saw a small table with a crisp white table cloth on it, on top of that there stood a clear vase with a single red rose.

I picked up the rose and smelt it, it smelled so good, I put it back noticing a single note on the table it had my name on it.

'Jasmine, I don't expect you to forgive me I just wanted to apologise for what I did. I'm sorry. You are the only girl I've ever loved and I don't want to have a life that you're not in with me. So can you please put that note down and look up.'

I looked up and saw there on the building opposite me stood Corey, his shaggy black hair combed neatly. He held up a sign that said 'I love you Jasmine.' on it.

My heart melted and tears came to my eyes. No matter how mad I was at him for what he did, nothing could change the way I felt now. No one had ever done something like this for me before.

Corey changed signs and now it said 'Can you forgive me?' I smiled through me tears of joy and nodded in response. He disappeared from the roof an I stared at were he'd been wondering where he'd gone.

I was lifted from the ground and spun around, dizziness was all around me when I was put back down.

"I wasn't sure what you'd do when you found out it was me." he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I still mad at what you did, its just I want you back too, because my life needed excitement and a bad boy sure did bring it." I smiled.

"Jane forced herself on me that night, I swear." he looked dead serious.

"Ok Corey, I believe you."

"I knew you'd fall for this one, sweetheart." he smirked gesturing to the decoration he'd done.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face." I laughed.

"I love you sweetheart." He said serious now.

"I love you too, you big softie." I hugged him.

He reached down and kissed me, it seemed to last forever, I didn't want it to end and I was pretty sure he didn't either.

"You know what, I don't want to live in a world without you either." said quietly.

And I meant it.

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