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LEADER: Birchstar - light brown tabby tom with green eyes

DEPUTY: Flickerheart - dark ginger tabby she-cat

MEDICINE CATS: Cloudwatcher - white tom with dark blue eyes
Greenstem - light brown she-cat

WARRIORS: Nettlesting - tortoiseshell tom with green eyes
Nectarsplash - golden tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice, Cloverpaw
Aldersky - ginger-and-white tom with a stumpy tail
Apprentice, Ivypaw
Nighteyes - black tom with very dark blue eyes
Russetfang - ginger tabby she-cat
Finchcloud - fluffy gray she-cat
Apprentice, Honeypaw
Morninglight - brown-and-white tom
Apprentice, Slugpaw
Duskheart - dark gray she-cat
Brighteyes - white she-cat with very dark blue eyes; paralyzed in her hindquarters
Horizonlake - bright tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice, Bramblepaw
Skyrush - huge white tom
Stormlight - large gray tom with amber eyes
Gorgeheart - light brown tabby she-cat
Dunefeather - sandy brown tom
Apprentice, Lionpaw
Firemuzzle - white tom with a ginger nose
Granitefeather - dark gray tom

APPRENTICES: Cloverpaw - pale gray she-cat with green eyes
Ivypaw - silver she-cat with white paws
Honeypaw - golden tabby she-cat
Slugpaw - yellow tabby she-cat with a stumpy tail
Bramblepaw - black tom with dark amber eyes
Lionpaw - muscular golden tabby tom

QUEENS: Strikeheart - white she-cat with gray patches (Thistlekit, Fawnkit, and Thicketkit)
Sunlion - magnificent golden tabby she-cat (Flickkit and Heavykit)
Dazzlefur - tortoiseshell she-cat (expecting)

KITS: Thistlekit - long-haired silvery tabby tom with white chest and and two white paws, one black forepaw twisted at an angle, a long, bushy tail, and dark amber eyes
Fawnkit - mottled brown tabby she-kit with white patches, three white paws, a white muzzle, and amber eyes
Thicketkit - skinny, sickly gray tabby tom with clumpy fur, a white chest, underbelly and paws, a thin tail, and dull blue eyes
Flickkit - small black tom with a stumpy tail
Heavykit - long-haired, well-muscled, brown tom with a stumpy tail

ELDERS: Willowsun - pale gray she-cat with amber eyes
Laketalon - dark gray tom
Mindfoot - white she-cat
Runningheart - long-limbed silver-and-white tom


LEADER: Deepstar - dark blue-gray tom with pale blue eyes

DEPUTY: Jaggedfoot - pale gray tom with a twisted forepaw and yellow eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Frogswim - dark gray tom with black paws and green eyes

WARRIORS: Yarrowpelt - golden tabby she-cat
Wolfhowl - dark gray-and-brown tom with black paws
Apprentice, Leafpaw
Thornpatch - silver tom with amber eyes and white splotches  
Readshiver - brown tabby she-cat with a slight shaking problem
Troutwhisker - tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice, Tidepaw
Melloweye - tan she-cat with one blue eye and one green eye

Rushtail - dark brown tom with a long tail
Firebelly - pale orange she-cat with a russet underbelly
Apprentice, Featherpaw
Codpool - tabby tom with white paws
Whisperjump - quiet pure white tom with blue eyes
Apprentice, Houndpaw
Gorgetail - pale blue-gray tom with misty eyes
Goosewillow - silvery tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Hollowrain - pale brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Robinpaw
Sprayshiver - gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
Trodstep - brown tabby tom
Slitherclaw - light brown tom with green eyes
Leopardswim - spotted golden tabby she-cat
Stumpclaw - brown tabby she-cat 

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