Some Percabeth fluff -The morning before coming home-

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'Urgghhh' Percy groaned as he opened his eyes, awakened by the beeping noise of his alarm clock.

'Percy! It's 9am, wake up!' he heard Annabeth's voice from the kitchen.

'It's Saturday' he whined into his pillow.

'Exactly, we wanted to visit Grover over at the camp' he now heard his girlfriend's voice close to his ear.

'Grover can wait he is probably sleeping, too, Annabeth. Just let me sleep for 20 minutes moreeee' he pleaded, still with his eyes closed.

'No' she replied before she tore off the covers and went to the window to open it'

'ARRRGHHH' Percy screamed, as he realized that sleeping was not an option anymore.

'Annabeth why do you even stress I can simply tell Grover that we aren't coming' he thought about his mind linked to his best friend's.

'You know, if you really want meet Grover today I will tell him and he'll come over and you two can talk about something while I just close the window and never turn on the light again, huh? Sounds like a plan to me.'

He went on. 'Annabeth?' he asked as he didn't get a reply.

He opened his eyes which he first squinted together some times before he could actually see something. The door was open and he could see that his wise girl had cleaned up...again.

The socks he had thrown in the middle of the hallway the previous day because he had felt too hot were now gone and so was his bag he had just thrown to the ground after he had entered yesterday, tired after having fought with a empusa he had encountered at the park.

That one had really gotten him in a bad mood as he just had run to his mother's apartment and wanted to take a pause. Percy of course defeated her but still he was exhausted and ready for a 100-year-long slumber. When he had arrived he had found Annabeth at the kitchen counter typing something into her laptop.


His organized and concentrated wise girl. He loved her so much. And when he sensed the smell of pancakes that came from the kitchen he realized how good it was to be loved back by her.

He actually got up, brushed his teeth and changed into new clothes.

The orange shirt and his jeans reminded him of the camp and he understood why Annabeth wanted to get there.

But they had all the time of the world.

They were both studying at a university which of course is hard but on weekends they got the chance to meet their friends and studying was surely not a challenge for Annabeth.

But he loved his girl and he knew she loved him and this flat they had gotten used to and learnt to love, would be there for quite a while.

He entered the kitchen and there she was in all her glory.

A simple shirt, a pair of shorts every girl wore around that time of summer and her white chucks looked so normal but still seemed to make her lumiere in front of him.

He slowly got closer, wamting to wrap his arms around her waist like they do in the movies Percy had used to watch with his mother.

'D'you want syrup on your pancakes?', the strong woman that had chosen to love him asked him.

'Sure thing', he already had seen the syrup, infused with blue food coloring on his table before he smiled.

'Then we can go to the camp.'



Hullo guys, I have had this in my drafts since probably 2012 and I thought it was time to let young writer me shine.

I edited a tiny bit of it, as the end wasn't written but I think past me was pretty good at coming up with and writing this fluffy, cute and feelings-summoning morning scene.

I actually really like this and maybe I could one day write a whole story about this, maybe even in the nearer future, idk I really love this.

Anyway, ily and stay persassy, my loves.

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