People always say that the internet is a scary thing, that it will suck you in, scam you, and hurt you. They say the internet is full of predators, waiting for any sense of weakness before attacking.
The thing is... the internet is the only place I feel safe and accepted. Wherever I go in real life, people are judging, critiquing, criticizing me, making me feel weak and useless and unwanted. But as soon as I turn on my screen and turn on whatever social media, I feel automatically safe, accepted, and appreciated.
I always feel at home on the Internet, comforted by the fact that i can share my opinions and people accept and agree with them.
I feel stronger, a better version of myself, someone who is not scared to make the first move. Not a weak little girl that so many push around and she says nothing.
The internet gives me a voice. A place I can speak freely, share my beliefs, share my happiness or tears and feel safe.
I think it's because I feel this way is becauss youcan be who you want to be on the internet rather than what others want you to be... you can share your opinions and feel more confident behind a screen rather than face to face. You create a persona that you want to be and you dont have to feel as self conscious and worried about bullying. It's easier because you know there is at least one other person in this wide world with the same interests as you and who wont judge you for your beliefs/opinions/who you love...
Now people may find that scary but I find it beautiful. That I can be who I want to be without being shackled by my peers and their beliefs. I find it amazing that there is so many talented people in this world that actually care and listen to you if you want to talk. That you can talk to people you admire and feel confident in it. That you can share your creations and people compliment you. There is no feeling better than the feeling of knowing someone admires and appreciates your art. The smile that splits your face when someone messages you and the butterflies you get when someone likes something that you made with your own hands, your own mind, your own soul.
So yes the internet can be a scary place, but it is scarily beautiful and amazing all the same.