Chapter 20

528 11 6

Mike's POV
When she those I hugged her and began to cry tears of joy.
"Why this." She asked thinking about the hug.
I pulled back from the hug
"I've missed you." I said to her
"Why I mean I lost my memory but why would you miss me." She asked me looking confused
"Eleven how long do you think you have been asleep?" I asked her
" A day or two maybe." She answered blankly
"El you have been asleep for a month and a half." I said to her. Her eyes went wide and then she gave me a confused face.
"How long is a month?" She asked confused
"About 4 weeks." I told her
"Oh. That must have been scary." She said disappointed.
"What matters is that you are alive and ok." I said to her.
"Yeah." She said weak smile. I smiled at her. I stared at her for a little while. We were sitting so close to each other. I quickly leaned forward and pecked her in the lips. I pulled back. She smiled. Her cheeks turned a light shade of red. I felt my cheeks burning and my stomach starting to twist. It reminded me of the first time I kissed her. It felt like we hadn't kissed in a long time even if it was 30 minutes ago. I heard a quite amount of laughter. I looked behind me and saw Dustin and Lucas making kissy faces through the small clear window. I got even more red. Eleven giggled. I hand motioned them to come in. Lucas and Dustin walked in with everyone behind them. I smiled at the fact that about everyone that knew eleven was there. Even Steve was there and he isn't even that really that close was eleven. Max rushed to eleven and hugged her.
"Don't ever scare me like that again." She said in tears. " wait do you Remember me eleven?" She then asked. Eleven nodded. I forgot that eleven and max are basically best friends now. I stood up and took a step back so that everyone else could say hello. It was a long day of crying and catching up with eleven but eventually everyone got tired and had go home. I stayed the latest. Soon enough it was just me, her, and Nancy.
""Hey mike I will be in the car." Nancy told me as she walked out of the room.
"Got it." I lightly yelled. I looked back at eleven who was twiddling with her thumbs.
" long until you get out of the hospital?" I asked hopeful that it would today.
"The doctor says that it could be a long time. She told me. " he says that I was lucky that I can still speak. The fact that I couldn't remember anything in unknown. He also said that it may take a while before I walk. I'm sorry." She explained.
"You risked so much." I paused "I have waited a year to see again and then a month. I can wait a couple extra weeks for a recovery." Continue. She smiles at me. It then goes silent again.
"What have I missed while I have been gone." She asked.
". Lucas and Max are a couple now but that's about the only exiting news." I said making it not a big deal. " You actually couldn't up on a more perfect day." I then said.
"Why?" She asked with the most confused expression on her face.
"Today is Christmas." I told her with excitement
She looked at me even more confused.
"Oh yeah. You don't know what Christmas is." I said thinking out loud.
"Yes. What is C...Christmas." She asked. I explained to her what a holiday was first. I told her about every holiday I knew about even if I didn't celebrate it. I then told her about why they were there and what you did on those days. I told her what a Christmas Miracle is and how I wished that she would get better yesterday. The whole time I explained she looked at me deeply interested. It's funny how fascinated she is in learning.
"So yeah that's about it." I told her with a smile.
"Your wish was really for me to wake up." She asked as if she doesn't believe me
"Of course it was. You were all I could think about." I said honestly. She smiled at me turning a little red. The fact that she was blushing made me feel complete on the inside. I then began to blush a little bit. We just kept smiling at each other. I remembered that Nancy was waiting for me and looked at my watch. Her happy smile faded a little bit.
"You should leave. Nancy is waiting." She said a little disappointed. I put my hand on hers.
"I can stay." I said seriously. She put her free hand in my cheek a she stood up a bit.
"It's ok mike. I want you to sleep. You will see me again." She said with a smile.
"Are you sure?" I asked not wanting to leave.
She nodded her head.
"Ok." I said as stood up. I went closer to her and kissed her forehead. I then began to walk out the door. I looked back at her.
"You know I will be coming here everyday until you back right?" I say with a laugh
"Yes I know." She says with a light giggle .
"I love You eleven." I say to her
"I love you too mike." She says with her cute smile. I smile at her brightly.
"Bye" I say shortly
"Bye." She says back. I walk out of the room at make my way to the front door in a daze. I finally made my way to the entrance to the cold winter breeze. I looked around for Nancy's car. I saw and then was about to head towards it but then these people came up to me and everything went black.
I cannot tell you how sorry I am for not waking up sooner. I had the biggest writers block ever. I literally would stare at the scream for like an hour and would have written like 50 words which nothing considering my maximum lowest is 1000. Today I deleted a bunch and headed in a different direction which finally defeated the writers block. Also HOLY C*** GUYS 5k reads that is awesome. THANK YOU FOR EVEN MORE SUPPORTING COMMENTS. I forgot to say I hope you all had an amazing Christmas/ Hanukkah (ext..) and a happy new year. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. BYEEEE

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