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There were these two teens who were the sweethearts of high school. They seemed so happy. Everyone thought that nothing bad has ever happened to them because they would never show it. They were inseparable, yet they did have a bad chapter in their lives. However, not with eachother. Hey how about I show you how they started shall we? We shall

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Girl's pov

"Come on Little A, we're going to be late!!", shouted my big brother Jio.

I was examining my bruises on my arms until he broke my focus. I picked up my phone and checked the time.

7:35 AM

Boy was he not wrong! It takes us about 10 minutes to get there and class starts at 7:50!

I pulled down my jacket sleeve and walked to my door, shut off my lights, closed my door and ran downstairs. I quickly put on my sneakers and ran out the house. Jio was already waiting for me outside. He was on his phone and felt my presence, so he looked up at me.

"Is it alright if I meet you there? I have to walk with my friends to discuss something", he said.

"Yeah it's cool", I replied.

"Will you be okay?", he then asked.

"Jio just go! I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself just fineee!" I replied. I didn't need him for protecting. It's only a 10 minute walk. I do it everyday. The only difference is without him. What's the worst that can happen?

"Okayyy as you say baby sis.", he kissed my forehead then zoomed off to who knows where.

I sighed then started walking. I looked down at my clothes and was quite impressed. I had a Royal blue and white letterman jacket that had an A on the front, black skinny jeans, and white wedges. I also a Royal blue beanie while my hair was out and curly.

I looked and kept walking. After a few minutes, I checked my surroundings and spotted a boy who seemed to be at least my age staring at me. I was a bit spooked because he would not look away. He stared into my eyes as if he could see right through them. By now I had realized I stopped walking. I looked away and looked back at him and he didn't look away. I just looked forward to feel in danger and walked.

Soon enough I heard wheels coming up close behind me. That's when he was next to me. The same boy who was staring at me.

"Hey.", he said. His voice was a little deep and a little raspy.

I looked at him.


"I was just admiring you from afar. I'm sorry if I came off as creepy, I didn't mean to.", he aplogized. I didn't wanna be rude so I didn't think much of it.

"That's okay! We all have our moments. Sometimes it's just bad timing.", I replied. He let out this cute giggle that seemed a little angelic to me. Then it died down and is it bad to say I kind of missed hearing it?

"I'm Chresanto."

"Cresent? I'm so sorry if I just butchered your name!" There goes that cute giggle again.

"Chre-sa-nto", he corrected me.

"Chresanto?", I tried.

"You got it! Woo!", he yelled not too loud. I let out a giggle and felt a little pride for my accomplishment.

"I'm Ashley.", I told him.

"Well I like your name, Ashley", he had this smirk on his face. Seemed a little suspicious. I just shrugged it off.

Our Scars Of Love || Chresanto AugustWhere stories live. Discover now