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These types of operations we're like a clock counting down. Every second counted as soon as Dio sent a message from Silvano's phone to Mason: He's dead. Everyone was sitting in Luciano's living room as Dio stood in front, phone in her hand as she explained the plan and waited for a response. The three new recruits in front of her on the couch. First was Jax, a light brunette with hazel eyes, he sat passive as he took in Dio's every word. She always liked him, he was like Miguel but more submissive to her. Then Reagan, blonde hair with brown eyes and of course a long scar under his right eye dragging down to his chin, a slightly scowl as he stared up at Dio. Lastly Abbigail, a deep red head with grey eyes and a small amount of freckles over her cheeks. Miguel didn't leave her side as soon as she came in and Dio woke him up, keeping a tight grip on her hand. William and Joshua were stuffed on a small recliner trying to slap themselves awake. And Luciano was suppose to be asleep in his room.

"Once I know the location, three of you will go and set up a hidden position waiting until the meeting time. Two of you will transport Mr. Medicii to a separate location that is yet to be determined. Then I and someone I pick will come with me to the actual confrontation. We will not play games once we arrive, we go in confirm who he is, confirm he's been after Luciano then kill him. We dispose of the body and then mission complete. Any questions?" Dio pauses with a hand on the edge of her gun.

"What's his name?" Jax asks in his quiet low voice and a few heads to turn to him, he wasn't one to talk so it was out of character for him to ask questions.

"Mason Lloyd, I'll tell you all your positions after I'm told the location. As for now prepare your weapons and get some rest if you need it, still take shifts. To the new guys you can use the apartment across if you need anything. You'll also be introduced to Mr. Medicii later in the day because he is currently resting." Dio begins closing their meeting when Luciano walks down the hallway, coming out causing the three on the couch to stand up instinctively on guard.

"I'm awake. Hello, I'm Luciano Medicii, it's nice to meet you all." Luciano walks around to the three standing and puts his hand out to shake their hands. They each say their name as he goes through each one. By that point he'd put on a pair of pants and plain t-shirt, Dio kept her eyes on him. A Little pissed he wasn't asleep and probably was eavesdropping but also thinking about their kiss. Fuck, how she wanted more but also just wanted to finish the job and never come back. "I just want to thank you all for doing this, I truly appreciate."

"Well enough with introductions, you guys can go." Dio says as soon as Luciano finishes and he steps next to her, everyone else standing up and stretching. They begin to file out but Dio calls Miguels name as she walks over to him and speaks to him quietly. "I'm letting you decide if you want Abbigail to come with us or stay with Luciano."

"Thank you, I'll tell you before we have to start." He smiles slightly at her and walks out with a waiting Abbigail who smiles wide at Dio, waving goodbye. Last one left is Reagan.

"Can I speak with you?" He asks as he stands by the door and she looks at Luciano as he gets the message and walks towards his kitchen, Dio walking slowly over to Reagan.

"Why am I fucking here?" Reagan he speaks in a hushed tone, that seems more confused than angry, he was only slightly taller than Dio but at this point everyone fucking towered over her.

"Listen Reagan, you're a good shot and I need that for this mission. I understand we've had a rocky relationship but I hoped we could be adults and move on. You hurt me for a long time and I obviously hurt you." She mumbles the last part before taking a deep breath and looking at him. "But all that's over, I want to start anew and I'll begin by doing the one thing I never would've considered in a million of years... I'm sorry." Reagan stands in front of her, shocked.

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