Rey X Kylo smutt

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It had been several days since I had heard from Kylo, or, Ben. Master Luke had been cracking down hard on training me but I could already sense his own weaknesses in comparison to my strength. Every day I was getting stronger and he knew it. Yet, this morning was particularly odd. Master Luke didn't wake me up as he usually does and the island seemed quiet. Like a kind of calm before the storm. I brushed back my soft brown hair, tying it back as usual, before getting up and wandering around to find Master Luke. After meandering around for what felt like hours, I finally settled down on a rock overlooking the ocean. Sometimes master Luke just wanted to be left alone and there was no point in searching for him if that was the case. As I stared out into the distance I felt a familiar yet uncanny feeling in my stomach. Something was wrong... or was it? Suddenly I felt Kylo Ren renter my thoughts. "Hello old friend." I said in a rather congenial tone. "Rey, do you take me for a fool with your childish distractions?" Ben asked with a stern look on his face. "I just missed you, that's all." I said rather sweetly. Gazing into his eyes, wishing I could change his cold heart. "Do you know why I've contacted you?" Ben asked. "I have my suspicions." You answered, remembering that today was Ben's important meeting with Snoke. "You are weak, it's much too easy to read your thoughts." Ben said abruptly, with a hint of spite. I wasn't surprised, he had always been a cold hearted man. Even the day we touched each other's hands, he was still ice cold. "However, as weak minded as you are, you are correct. Today is the day Snoke will be expecting me." Ben started. "Ben, it's your chance to prove yourself. Stand up against the dark side and join us. It's what your father would have wanted." Even as I felt the words escape my mouth, I wished I could take them back. "Shut up, you fool!" he shouted, making me fall backwards off the stone and scrape your elbow. "Ouch, I was just saying..."  I said rubbing my aching arm and crying out suddenly, "you know it's not too late!" Ben looked as if he would burst out in tears. At that moment I saw the raw emotion he truly did possess. Beneath that rough fasad, he was a child. Young like me. Vulnerable to both the light and the dark. We ceased our conversation, but I knew not that it was time for me to see him in person. I could change him, I knew it. The next day I left without warning, how would I explain my crazy plan to Luke anyways. He wouldn't understand how I felt. I knew I could change him, I had to! With that, I climbed aboard the falcon and began my journey. Eventually I escaped, leaving chewey to pilot the craft back to the resistance. I stealthily snuck aboard the finalizer hoping I could sneak away and find Ben. But as soon as my pod opened, I saw Kylo Ren standing there, maskless, with two storm troopers. He chuckled and gave a sly smile. "Foolish girl." He whispered under his breath before walking away. The storm troopers cuffed me and brought me to some kind of torture chair, it seemed familiar. Soon they left the room and Kylo appeared. "So, you thought I would just turn to the light side. Cute." He said spitefully. Breathing down my neck. "I saw your future!" I yelled struggle against the chair. "And I saw yours." He said with a stern look, reaching down and tightening the cuffs a little. "Can't have yuh escaping this time my dear." He said. I laughed a bit, though in this situation it seemed uncalled for. "Listen, I know why you're here. But you're wasting your time." He exclaimed. "Ben, I see the good in you. Please let me touch your hand again. Let me remind you." I pleaded, hoping to break through his rough exterior. "Don't you see?! The moment I killed Han Solo, the darkness took over!" He yelled. "That's not true Ben, you were confused! You felt compassion! Even now, I read your thoughts and you have compassion and even a fondness towards me!" I didn't mean to say that last part, but I had been thinking about it myself... "you know nothing you fool!" Ben began using the force to choke me. His grip tightened around my neck. I couldn't move or stop him. *This is it, it's all over,*I thought to myself. Then suddenly he released me. Panting, Ren made me black out. Having placed his hand softly on my head and watched it fall.
She must be a fool to think I will change. I kept thinking about it as I undid her cuffs. She looked so innocent while asleep. So pure and pleasing. I wanted her to rule with me, to accompany me and my armies. She would never. Too pure for this cruel world, her parents... me. I finished undoing her bonds and began carrying her. I had second thoughts before bringing her to my bedroom, but she would need somewhere to rest after all. So what if I'm a bit selfish. She is beautiful and I'll be damned if I don't get something out of her being here. I'm sure as hell not joining the light side.
Rey's POV
I woke up on a bed with silky black sheets. I seemed to already be in some black pajamas which freaked me out a bit... the thought of Ben touching me hadn't really occurred as something pleasing until now. The idea of him caressing me wasn't even something I'd dreamt of, but it all seemed so real. Suddenly, he walked in the room. I heard the woosh of a sliding door. I quickly turned over and pretended to be asleep. Well it didn't work because Ben let out a chuckle before saying "silly girl, I can read your  mind. I know your secrets and desires..." his tone seemed to linger on the last word. "I'm sleeping... shhh!" I managed to say. He just chuckled again, lifted the covers, and faced me in his bed. I stared at him, laying on my side. "Are you the one who dressed me?" I asked glaring at him. "I had the maids do it, I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Plus your clothes were filthy, I wouldn't let you sleep in my bed with those rags on." He said in such a pompous manner I wanted to slap his handsome face. "Still, that's incredibly creepy!" I said pulling the covers closer. "And what about this?" Kylo began inching closer. Soon he had me in his arms. I instinctively tucked my face into his chest and my legs curled against his. "I...i think this is alright." I said honestly, knowing he could read my every thought anyways. He wrapped his arms around me tighter. I felt warm and relaxed. His presence calmed me and brought about this sense of euphoria. Kylo began kissing my neck, his soft black hair brushing up against my skin. I let out a little moan as he began sucking on my neck, gentle yet powerful and controlling. I felt submissive and safe under his control. "I love you." He whispered, looking into my eyes. "I love you too." I said, my lips parted awaiting his kiss. It came, soft, delicate, perfect. All the beautiful words I could use to describe his techniques. Then he began to demand entry, I succumbed to his force, allowing him to dominate and explore my mouth and tongue. I fell into his trap, seductive and sweet. We made out for a time, then Ren began moving his hands downward. First meeting my chest, he pulled off my shirt. Tossing it aside and looking hungrily into my eyes. "No fair." I said pawing at his chest. Ben smiled and took off his shirt. Revealing his toned abs. I smiled, "not too bad." He chuckled. We started again, he massaged my breasts. I couldn't help but let a small moan of pleasure escape my lips. "That's right, tell me you want me." He said in a low voice. "I want you ben!" I shouted as he filled me with pleasure. He moved his hands down to my pants, removing them swiftly. I felt myself getting wetter and wetter. "Please ben!" I cried out. "Call me master." He stopped. "Please master Ren, please." I half cried, the butterflies in my stomach building due to anticipation. He started under my tight underwear, slowly circling my clit with his large fingers. And then inserting his two fingers and pumping. I moaned louder and louder. "Master Ren, faster please!" He went faster. "I'm gunna..." he stopped. "Wait for your master." He said under his breath, half chuckling. I began unzipping his pants. His black boxers were the last layer separating us. I pulled them down. "I... hmm... will that fit me?" I accidentally uttered out loud. "Haha!" Ren laughed, "I guess we'll have to see. I'll take it slow my love." He said pinning my wrists about my head with one of his hands. With the other, he pulled my underwear down. Soon after he entered. Slowly at first. It took me awhile to adjust to his size. "Master Ren!!! I'm..." I exclaimed on the verge of breaking. "Hold off a little longer, I am too my love... but I'm going to fuck you so hard you can't stand." I laughed a bit at his ambition. But he was serious. He cumed inside me, that hot feeling filling my insides. "Thank you master Ren..." those were the only 4 words I could muster up. He was serious about the walking part. My legs were numb for days after, he carried me though. In closing, we both, exhausted, exchanged our "I love you." Before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms. A safe and beautiful balance was restored to the force. Our love binding the very universe.
K, the end. Of the first one-shot. Leave your comments and I will do any STARWARS fan fic you wanna hear. I don't own any of these characters tbh lol. Please Leave a vote and comment some constructive criticism!! LOVE YA'LL💗💗

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