Tres 💙.

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" I-I'm Milani." she said , scooting her chair back. It was too much tension between the too , she was already nervous , and beginning to feel uncomfortable.

" I know already." He said , biting his lower lip , showcasing his dimples. " How about I buy you something to eat. I hear girls love that shit. Plus I know you're hungry."

Miani nodded , afraid to refuse the invitation. " Alright , c'mon." He said , standing up. " Uh ... What do you mean come on ?" she said tapping her neon yellow nails on the lunchroom table.

" Come on , let's go get your food." He said , swinging his car keys. " I-I'm sorry ; but I can't go. I hardly know you , and i'd honestly be u-uncomfortable in the car." He nodded , pulling out a pen , and a torn piece of paper.

" Your order ? I'm also gonna need your 3rd block." She took the pen and paper , writing down her order.


Chicken Sandwich with extra mayo (fried ) with tomatoes and lettuce.

Large fry.

Large chocolate milk shake.

Mr.Jediah's Spanish class.

She handed back the paper, as he read it.

" Damn , hungry much ?" he laughed , causing Miani to look down at the part of her body she hated the most ; her stomach.

Tony caught on, and stopped laughing quickly. " You know I didn't mean it like that." he said , cauing her to pick up her bag , as the lunch bell rung. " I-It's okay." she said , standing up.

" No Miani , I like your body." She nodded , walking towards the lunchroom door , and soon walked out.

When she arrived at Spanish class , she quickly did her classwork , and pulled out her Macbook , trying to catch up on any internet assignments.

There was a knock on the door, but she paid no attention to it , until she heard about a million people clear their throats. She looked up , and a Whataburger bag was shoved in her face.

The smell was very enticing.

" Why'd he bring her food ?"
" How do they know eachother ?"
" That's totally unfair !"

Miani's eyes never left the bag. " Uh , earth to human." he said waving his hands infront of her face. " Oh , uh , thanks. Consider the debt fufilled." she said , practically snatching the bag from her.

" Sorry about earlier , seriously." he said , scratching the back of his neck. " Wrap it up already , i have a class to teach !" the teacher said , shaking his fists at Tony.

" Whatever man." he said , sliding a ketchup packet towards Miani. " You're gonna need it." he said , walking out the classroom.

Once all glares were off her , she opened the bag and took out the large fry. She soon took out the chicken sandwich , and started sipping on the milkshake.

She'd gotten into Whataburger only a week before , and my ... was their food one to dream about. When she reached for the ketchup packet for her fries, she noticed a small piece of tape with a number.

123-456-7890 call me sometimes. - Tony.

She smirked to herself , slipping her phone out of her pocket. She dialed the number , and soon saved it.

Hoodie 🙃.

A name that was pretty fucking awesome to her. A name that she thought would suit him. A name that she'd like much more than she originally intended to.

After finishing up her late lunch , she'd walked to history , a class which she shared with Tony.

She sat in the front of the classroom , which she was accustomed to in this class , regardless of her always sitting in the back of every other classroom.

But for some reason, this period didn't go as planned. For starters , the class was really loud , which caused Miani to get a major migraine. So when she tried focusing on her work , it was hard , so she only managed to get half of it done bore the second part of a terrible class period started.

In entered a taller latina girl , whose hair was long and thick , that clinged to her back. Her skin was golden , she dressed well , with big breasts and a small ass. But there was no problem with how she looked at all.

" Oh fuck." She heard a boy say , causing all heads to turn in the girls direction , but they didn't dare stop talking. As if they could , they'd gotten louder and Miani was on the edge.

" Welcome back , Jada." She heard a girl say , ad the latina made her way to Miani's seat. " Excuse me, but this is my seat." She said , tapping her long light pink nail on the desk.

Miani's head was thumping dangerously, so she didn't even put up a fight. " Yeah sure , just let me—." The girl sighed obnoxiously loud , causing Miani's skin to call.

" Um , no I can't wait any longer. By legs are bound to give out at any moment !" she said , causing Tony to intrude on the conversation. " Cut the shit , Jada. She can sit there. Your name isn't anywhere on the damn seat." he said , crossing his arms.

" Oh , this must be one of your flings," she said reading the paper on Miani's desk. " Milan ? Oh wow she's a cutie. Too bad she could never suck—." Miani smacked Jada's hand off her desk.

She nearly knocked the poor girl over. " Okay first of all Hoodie , I don't need you to keep sticking up for me okay ? I'm fucking capable and i'm not some fucking damsel in distress !" she said clenching her books and throwing them in her bookbag.

She threw it over her shoulder. " And little Miss Bitch , I told you i was gonna get the fuck up ! My fucking head hurts !" she said dangerously clenching her temple. " And you just refuse to shut the fuck up ! Just stick his dick in your mouth and SHUT UP!" she said, her voice filled with anger.

" C-can I go to the nurse ?" Miani asked the teacher , who clearly didn't care about the whole scene. She passed her a hallpass , as Miani wobbled out of the classroom , clenching onto the lockers.

Tony wanted to go help her , but he was just stunned. The whole class was stunned. Jada was stunned. " Way to go Jada. You cracked the good girl."

" Nonsense , she'll be back to normal tomorrow." another voice said.

" If she doesn't pass the fuck out in the hallway."

Miani walked further down the hall , bwads of sweat forming around her hair line. She pushed the nurse's door open , and shs finally got help getting into the plastic bed.

" Oh dear , you don't look well." she said , sliding an ice pack onto her head. " I'm fine. Can I sleep ? my head's throbbing." The nurse nodded , as Miani pulled out the little blue blanket in her bag she kept for emergencies.

Soon after that , she crept off to sleep.


The nurse woke her up right before dismissal. The thanked her , gathering ber things , but she still felt lightheaded.

She exited the building, and got into her car.

When she arrived at home , her father helped her to her bed , bringing her a ginger ale , with a heating pad. She pulled her phone out , and had only one more thing to do.

3:25 pm
To :// Hoodie 🙃.
I'm sorry for being aggressive.

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