Jay's POV

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She went back downstairs to pick up her skate board and bag. I went with her. It was very awkward on the way. We went downstairs, through the kitchen, the living room, then out.

She picked up her small black shoe bag near the doorstep, then her skate board.

She opened her bag and took a look inside. "I don't have any clothes left," she complained.

"What!?" I said. Does this mean I'm gonna have to let her borrow my clothes?

"I only have a few bucks in here."

"What are you gonna do?" 

"I don't know."

Then suddenly mom arrived home driving our car. She walked near to us.

She smiled at us and looked at Shaneya. She doesn't recognize her yet, until then her eyes widened. I felt a slight heaviness in my chest.

"Hi dear," she smiled at me.

"Ohmy," she looked at Shaneya. "Are you Shane's daughter!?" she asked. "She kicked you again, didn't she? Oh, that little-" 

"Ye, she did." Shaneya answered.

"Poor you. Let's get you inside."

Mom let us in the house. She went to the kitchen, opened the new groceries and started cooking.

I went back to my room and Shaneya followed me. We we're in my room all alone with an awkward silence. I sat at my bed and she was just staring at me. I tried not to look back, just to not make any moment with her.

"I can't see why you don't have any friends."


"I just don't."

"But I mean you're..."

"A wimp."


What? My heart felt tight. My body burning, my fingers getting stiff, my throat getting dry, my hair stands rising up, like a sense of cling to my body. What do they call it, butterflies in my stomach? Shit. I've never felt this way before.

"In a quirky way though," she blushed. "But It's a good quirky-." "Sorry" 

Me? Cute. The school's most pretty skate boarder called me cute? Everyone thinks I look like a cockroach. A stick. Ugliest person you could ever know. 

But still, my body still feels hot. I don't know what to say. 

"Oh," my voice cracked. The stupid words came out from my mouth. God, I sound so gay and stupid. Damn it. 

Suddenly, she went closer and brushed my hair backwards, making my messy bangs stand back.

"Much better," she smiled at me. 

 My cheeks burning. I can't handle this anymore. Is she flirting? Or is it normal for her to be this way. Whatever this is, I have this weird feeling. Do I like her? This fast? Oh no...

She sat on the floor. "You okay?" she asked. "You're so quiet."

"Nothing," I said.

"Sorry, I'm always like this."

I better not like her. I tried to forget the moment and move to another topic to break the silence.

"You're best friends with Akiva, right?" I asked.

"Smith? Yeah," she replied. "But she's off to Australia for some shitty reason." 

"What's she doing there?" 

"Family shit," she rolled her eyes. "She's lucky that her dad's still there for her and that she doesn't have an abusive mother. She's lucky that she's rich, yet she still complains about everything."

"What do you mean?"

"My life is shit. Hers is not. That's all." 

I felt a little pity for Shaneya. She's been kicked out so many times. What kind of mother does she have? I tried not to ask anymore about her family back ground cause she might get pissed. She was staring at the wall. Quiet. I could smell her scent from here. Then I started to get some CD's in the cabinet. Picking two that she might like.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I went in front of her and squatted on the floor to show her the CD's. Then I realized she was silently crying. I've never seen her like this. I put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey, it's okay. I'm here now."

She wiped a tear on her cheek and smiled again.


Shaneya decided to watch the comedy movie Jump Street 23. We were lying down in my bed facing the laptop. Then suddenly my mom knocked in the room, bringing some food. Potatoes, asparagus and steak. Medium-rare. Just how I liked it.

"Hmmm... Dinner at bed, my darlings!?"

Shaneya gestured a smelling action and said, "OH YESSSS." 

I took the plates to a table new my bed. Shaneya moved the laptop to the direction where we could see it from the table. Mom joined us.

"Where would you like to sleep, honey." She looked at Shaneya.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality Mrs. Davis. But I could just sneak home."

"No, dear. I don't want you to get hurt again." Mom said with a sparkle of pity in her eyes. "She got nuts when your father left. I know the story. We used to be close back in college." Mom explained. 

"I could bring you a floor bed here." Mom requested. Shaneya nodded as an 'okay.'

After eating and watching the movie. Me and Shaneya talked for hours. About school and things we could relate to. Everything. 

Around eleven, mom brought the floor bed to my room. We talked again.

"You haven't drank!??" Her eyes widened, laughing, shocked by the fact. "OR KISSED ANYONE?"

"Never. I don't know what it feels like." Laughing back.

I looked at her as she laughed. She caught my eyes and looked back. I didn't want to look away. I didn't want to break the moment. It's a chance that I get to stare into this beautiful girl's eyes, assuming this probably won't happen again. I have to make the most of this night. It's now or never.

She leaned forward and kissed me.

She kissed me. Shaneya Skyler stole my first kiss. I can't believe it.

It was just a short peck on the lips though, but it was enough, more than enough.

Before I could say anything, she stood up and stepped on her floor bed. She smiled at me. "Goodnight, Jay."

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