Boy with the blue eyes

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Dan gazed out of the little balcony window he was sitting by. The flowers swayed gently in the calming winds, the water in the antique bird bath rippled, the birds perched happily in the trees, shading themselves from the late autumn sun. He caught sight of a girl skipping down the stone path, engraved with the names of the newly graduated students. The green ivy wound itself around the white trellises- he breathed in sharply. The evening sun cast shadows around the steel grey door to the greenhouse. If only he had never went in there, nothing would have happened to him, he would be fine, normal, his perfect life. He could have been on the lush green field, practicing football, chatting with the girls on the sidelines, blowing them a quick kiss and watching them blush and giggle. The gifts that he would get in his locker every morning, afternoon, even the night. He could have had that perfect life. If he had never stepped foot into that place, influenced by his drunk teammates. They convinced him it would be a great idea, he would want to thank them later. No. No it wasn't. Not at all. It ruined his life, destroyed it. He was left, sitting by himself, all alone, no friends. Nothing.

A group of guys burst into the room, yelling. "PARTY TONIGHT, OUR PLACE" and ran out, leaving the door wide open, a chatter rose among those in the room.

He briefly looked up in annoyance, for they had disrupted the calm of the nearly empty room and for a second, made eye contact with one of them. He caught them, striking blue eyes. Looking back out at the window he considered going to the party, was it a good idea? Most things he did never were anyways, so why not go? Besides, he hadn't really talked to anyone for almost two weeks now. Unless mumbling a few words about why he didn't do his homework to his teacher counted. He got up and staggered towards the door, he didn't realise how long he had been staring out the window, unaware of the little scatterings of people in the room. He managed to open the door and get to his room. Thank god he didn't have to share it with some guy that would probably judge him harshly everyday. Glancing at himself in the full length mirror propped against the side of his shelf, he looked somewhat decent. At least he managed to start taking care of himself again a few days before and got back into a normal self care routine, brushing teeth, etc. The party would probably be at around 9 he decided, lying down on the side of his bed. He caught sight of the muse poster he stuck behind his cupboard because he was afraid someone would find it and tease him for it. A few shots later, he was ready for the party, you don't really ever turn up to parties sober. He smirked, already feeling slightly drunk. He didn't really feel anything as he accidentally smashed his hand against the wall as he pulled on his shoes. That was more like it.


I kicked away the lone towel lying in front of my door and grabbed my keys, phone and wallet, you never know when you might need it. I knew where their room was. I'd been there too many times. Unfortunately.

The music got louder, I could tell that I was getting closer, I could hear the music here, I could also smell the alcohol from here. I saw that they had blocked off half of the hallway containing all their rooms, all conveniently next to each other, the fucking teachers pets. I also saw that they actually went through the trouble of putting up makeshift walls in the halls for more privacy, like it would actually make a difference. I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in the smell of alcohol and fun, for one night, maybe I could forget what happened. Someone bumped into me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." He flashed me a smile.

"It's fine-" wait. Those blue eyes. I've seen them before, in the other room.

Why was I making a big deal out of this, so what if he had blue eyes, iv'e seen people with blue eyes before. So why did I remember him of all people? Maybe it was because he was one of the prettiest boys I had ever seen.

Why did I just think that. I'm straight. He's just pretty and good looking. Thats all. Nothing.

He brushed past me, snapping me out of my thoughts again. I have to stop doing that. I keep missing what's going on.

A few hours later I was a mess. I had somehow chugged more than seven bottles of vodka and was more than wasted, I hadn't drank in such a long time that my body hadn't gotten used to the alcohol intake I was having right now. I stumbled around, trying to find another bottle to drink away my problems when I. Yet again, bumped into the guy with blue eyes.
Blue eyes I could get lost in-

wait. what did I just-


The guy with blue eyes was staring at me, I stared back, my eyes slowly drifting down his body, taking in his outfit. He turned away and started walking towards the drink table. I followed him, too, grabbing an empty cup and filling it to the top with an unknown mix of drinks and whatever that was in there. Piss, cum, saliva. It was probably in there. But when you're drunk, you don't realise what you're drinking until the next day.

He turned around. Again, bumping into me, but only this time, spilling both drinks in his hand all over me.

"I'm so sorry-" He looked at me.

"You again. I've seen you at least three times tonight." He flashed me a small smile

"Actually, it's only two tonight, one was this afternoon."

"Oh, right, anyways." He started to walk off

"Wait" I caught hold of his arm and pulled him towards me

"Woah, what do you want" He looked at me, startled

"I- uh n-nevermind."

He looked at me with a startled look and turned and walked away

What was wrong with me, why couldn't I just ask for his name?! and since when did I stutter. My heartbeat had increased.

I looked around, searching for the guy again, only to make eye contact, and for me to turn away, embarrassed for staring.

AGAIN! Why did I just get embarrassed for looking at him. I shouldn't be, I didn't do anything.

Something tapped me in the shoulder and grabbed my waist

"Hey handsome, wanna dance with me?" I turned around, coming face to face with a blond, blue-eyed, girl. I seemed to recognise her, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I suddenly realised how drunk I was then, the swaying making me feel sick.

"I should go back to my room, I'll see you another time- " I started to say

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU DISGUSTING TWAT, GET OFF HER" I snapped my head around, only to see Damon glaring at me, striding over to where we were.

"I didn't do anything-" she giggled, like this was a game. It probably was.

A gasp echoed through the room as Damon punched me, in the face, arm, chest.


She was Isabella, the schools very own queen, an obnoxious daughter of the schools sponsor, and of course, girlfriend of Damon.

A searing pain shot through my body, making me slightly unconscious.

The last thing I saw was the blue-eyed boy yelling at Damon to stop before I blacked out.

I hope you like this story ;)) I'll probably update every 5 years but stay tuned fam.

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