A Warning That Comes With Caution......

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Author P.O.V

Thing had changed since Thea funeral. Lucas De Vere had done as his father requested to leave town but before leaving he took something vital with him the evidence of the night of what happened to late Thea Underwood. Lucas felt lost and alone that he had no one to turn to. All he knew was that he needed to find out who he was and to find his sister. Lucas left New York City with one thought in his mind that he would do whatever it took to find her. That he will find out what his true story is as his life he had lived was all a lie. He will always be grateful to his mother and father for raising him and making him have all the great things in life. With the changes that came after killing Oscar Lucas knew that he would never fit into the world of the De Vere’s. He going to be making his own path now and his next stop will be New Orleans Louisiana where he will find this Marcel and find out the truth about everything.  

Blair Richy since the death of her friend she had looked at life a lot differently. She saw that she had been wasting her time and effort to try and fit it with everyone. That some of the things that Thea had jokes and teased her about being plastic and trying to keep up an image to please others. She never thought that she would be this distort over Thea as it appeared their friendship was always bitter and there was hatred there. But deep down Blair loved Thea as much as she loved Siena, there wasn’t one she loved more than the other. Blair wanted to change not only for her but for herself she wanted to do something that will honour her friend. She knew exactly what that was she wanted to do something to commemorate Thea larger than life attitude. Blair wanted to talk to Siena about this but Siena had been closed off since it had all happen. Blair knew that Siena was hurting because of the harsh words that were said on the night of Thea death. One thing that Blair ever wanted was to feel disappointment in Siena, for the first time in 11 years Blair felt like she didn’t know her friend anymore. Was it down to this new boyfriend Nic? Because since Nic came along Blair had seen a change in Siena and wasn’t sure if she liked it.

Siena wasn’t the same girl from before she felt lost and confused. She truly didn’t know who she was right now she walked around with no smile upon her face. To have lost a girl who she considered as family to her to be taken too soon. Siena continued to beat herself up she felt that she was the reason behind Thea death that if she hadn’t spoken to her the way she did Thea wouldn’t have been in garden. She continued to beat herself about this she closed herself off from her parents and also Blair because the truth of the matter Siena couldn’t face them.

The only person who made her feel safe and sane right now was Klaus Mikaelson. She looked to him as a tower of strength that he was the only one that made her see some kind of sense. Siena bond towards him grew stronger over the days leading up to the funeral and after that she felt that he was the only one who understood her right now. On the day of Thea funeral when she spoke her late friend and looked over at her boyfriend for support that was the day she knew she was utterly in love with him. Her Time was spent most of the time at Klaus apartment where she would for moments being in his arms safe and her worries seemed a little less today was another one of them days. Her determination to find out who was responsible for the death of Thea was always in the forefront of her mind. She wanted to talk to Klaus about this but never knew how.

Klaus mind had been going over the events over the last week. To see the girl that he had fallen in love with to be hurt and broken he didn’t know what to do. He had sent Damon away as he knew that Siena was on a mission to find out who was the person responsible for Thea death. Klaus also knew if Siena was ever to learn the truth that Lucas played a part in the death, that it would destroy her. Lucas De Vere was someone who he truly despised but he knew that Lucas meant something to Siena and knowing that he was part of the reason it would break her. With Damon Klaus knew that he had helped him with his Gina issue and if he could do one more acted of kindness was to take Damon out of the situation, compelling him was the right thing to do. Even though he knew that in time Damon will come to know the truth that Katherine was not in that tomb that she had been living a carefree life, this moment in time Damon was not in the right frame of mind to deal with that.

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