Chapter 1

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A peaceful evening on Green-side valley was disturbed by the pounding,violent echo's of footsteps.Quickening the pace,as the moon rose slowly over the dominating cliffs which guarded the valley.

Melody's baby blue dress,caught every living  creations attention.As she ran freely,spreading her imaginary wings.Just to run away and erase her memory.Tears trickled down her cheek as the wind rapidly brushed them of her delicate skin.As the horrid memory played again and again in her mind.Reminding her the pain she felt.

She finally reached a titanic and historical structure,which was the one and only lighthouse.When gazing at the colossal building she remembered where grandpa Maurice had
left the key.Impatiently,Melody darted towards the empty lamp,where the copper key waited to be used.She opened the door anxiously as the tide was coming closer and closer.Invading more parts of the beach.

Melody followed the stone cold steps up,hoping that they would lead her to her destination.As a range of different thoughts rushed through her head,but only on one of them her brain was focused.
"Wait...where is the key?" Melody thought fearfully.
She hurriedly rushed back down the steps.Being even further away from her desirable destination.Melody didn't keep track of time so she didn't even realise there was no sign of the glistening star anywhere,all what could be seen at that moment was an ice cold crescent.

She rushed to the door,only transfixed on the key,which was left in the door due to the fact that the door was open.Melody tried to get the key out of the lock.Unfortunately it was stuck.With all her strength she tried to pull it out.But nothing helped.The quick pace of the tide forming mini puddles around the lighthouse made her even more nervous.Sweat started to drip down her head,rubbing off some of the makeup.Thoughts of regret that she even came to this place started to invade and dominate her mind.

Unexpectedly,Melody started to slowly pay more attention to the surroundings than the key.Half of the time she would be paranoid that someone was watching.However,she laughed it off as it seemed nonsense.

4 minutes have passed and she finally managed to get the key out,which was a relief.As she decided to get the key out she noticed a silhouette in the background hiding behind the shore rocks.At first she thought it might be some kids playing.
"But why would they be playing when it's dark" Melody anxiously thought.

However, the silhouette came out of the rocks and stood their still,gazing at Melody.Melody could only see a distant figure but couldn't identify who that person was or how it looked like,even though she was squinting.The figure started to come closer and closer to the lighthouse.

Panic overtook Melody's body so in a matter of milliseconds she closed the door rapidly.But time escaped before she could lock the door,so she ran like never before up the stairs.As she quickened the pace so did the figure as she saw it from the window.Finally she reached the balcony outside the lighthouse and realised there was no way of escaping.She started to weep loudly as she heard the footsteps approaching.No defence plans were thought of in her mind,only ways on how to end it all.
"Maybe I should jump,so I won't have to suffer anymore" Melody said quietly as she placed her foot on the railing.

The figure approached quicker than expected but Melody familiarised its face and recognised who it was.
"Oh it's you" Melody exclaimed with a unfriendly tone.
"Don't come any closer or I will jump so don't try me" Melody threatened.
The figure stood still and didn't move a muscle.But after remaining a few words with Melody it reached its hands forwards towards Melody.

All you could hear was a scream that quickly died down and was ended by a loud thud on the shallow water.The icy water carried Melody's majestic body further away from shore.Making her baby blue dress glisten even more in the dark.The blood stained her dress but didn't dominate her beauty!

At school Melody's friends were worried sick why Melody wasn't in school for more than a week,as she had Year 12 end of year exams.But more importantly they missed her.

Soon the police were involved and pronounced her missing.All of Green-side valley looked for her but didn't find anything.The next day a local fisherman found a dead body of a young girl in the sea.Rapidly the police examined the identity of the girl and her death and concluded that it was Melody Wheeler.But surprisingly also concluded that the cause of death was suicide!

News about Melody's death spread very fast and reached her friends.Which just couldn't believe that their best friend would kill herself.

After Melody's death everyone separated.It's almost like she was that one piece which completed the puzzle.
Caleb,her all time neighbour started to join more performing arts clubs as he wanted to pursue his acting career.
Kyle,her boyfriend started to hang out with the football team.
Mason started to hang out with the football team with Kyle.
Maddie kept up with her frequent journalism and poetry club with her cousin Kane.
Layla joined the cool girls which are obsessed with beauty and boys.But most importantly all of them gossip about how hot Mr Knowles is.

People acted as they are trying to forget about Melody but the truth is everyone in Holstice High,especially her friends were carrying a burden of  unanswered questions about Melody's death.


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