Chapter 26~ Disturbed

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Still staring at her computer screen, Aashi placed her coffee mug on the table. She leaned reading the name and details carefully. She wanted to assure if he is the same Rishabh, she knew. The way her heart pounded in her chest, she just knew he is the same he.

The details matched, his name, date of birth, the school, college. He has also done MBA Five years ago from London, also worked there until last year. His record was perfect, the Professional achievements and everything. Aashi felt her palms clammy as she scrolled up, on the right side there is a photo of him. She zoomed in on it.

Rishabh looked so different from when she had seen him last, now he looked much more mature and presentable. His boyish charm lost somewhere. One thing that disturbed Aashi was his eyes, his dark eyes had always been soft, and it felt warm while staring at it. But now his eyes looked emotionless and sad, though he smiled, a smile that looked very fake. His hair neatly combed and side parted. He wore a formal suit with a red tie.

Aashi didn't realize for how long she stared at his photo. She reminisced her past, the fun times she had with him, the bond they shared, the friendship, the love, and the heartbreak.

Her trance was broken only when Himanshu opened the door of her cabin. He poked his head inside and she looked at him like she had been caught stealing. Not to make things suspicious she agreed to accompany Himanshu for lunch to the nearby restaurant.


After lunch, Aashi went straight to work again. Himanshu had been watching her suspiciously throughout the lunch, but she ignored his looks and he too didn't probe her lest he made her uncomfortable again.

Aashi had made up her mind, that she will select Rishabh, but there are still many profiles to check and she can't be unfair, so checked them all.

Finally, out of twenty, she selected ten Candidates. As she mailed the names to John, she silently prayed Rishabh gets selected for this job. She also felt nervous about meeting him after so many years. Though she is still hurt by his behavior she wondered if he would accept her as a friend again or will they be like strangers. Strangers. It feels so awesome when some strangers become friends, but it hurts a lot when friends become strangers.


When Aashi returned home, she was happily greeted by Suchitra. She excitedly asked Aashi to get refreshed soon and she will take her to see her new scooty. Though Aashi is physically exhausted and mentally disturbed she agreed, just to not spoil Suchitra's excitement.

Suchitra has gotten a very sleek scooty for herself, it had enough room for two people to sit. Moreover, it is a very good brand. Aashi was impressed.

'Come I will take you out for a Ride.' Suchitra said excitedly, she could barely keep herself still.

Aashi gave a small smile and shook her head, - 'Sorry ya, tomorrow is Sunday, we will go out tomorrow.' She said in small voice.

'What happened?' Suchitra asked her concerned.

'Work stress.' Aashi admitted.

'Oh, poor Baby. No problems I have prepared delicious dinner.' Suchitra said brightly. Aashi smiled genuinely.


Later that night, after the delicious dinner, Aashi decided to do some snooping. She had saved Rishabh's CV and decided to have a better look at it in the night. She had told Suchitra she has work, so she didn't disturb her. Aashi locked herself in the room and opened her laptop.

She zoomed on his photo again, and leaning forward she looked at his photo. She felt excited with the thought that she might see him in person. All this made her more curious. She read and re-read his CV. She searched him on social networking sites, but she is amazed to know he isn't in one.

She checked his previous Yahoo account, the one she knew off, no luck. Hotmail, no luck. What happened to him? Suddenly he vanished from all social networking site. Aashi frowned.

He has completed his MBA five years ago, what was he doing after BBA? There is something about being an accountant in some company that has been shut now. She wondered why he took such a job. He could have done MBA before. Moreover, he was more interested in joining Indian national team for Cricket or Football, then why accountant?

Aashi also wondered about Laila, she knew she won't find about his personal life in the resume. She had hoped at least, there was mention of marital status, she would have guessed then. But this CV was strictly professional.    


Oh, Rishabh *heartbreaks* This chapter was interesting, Haina, guys? What are your thoughts on the Chapter? Drop them in the comments :* :*

Oh, Rishabh *heartbreaks* This chapter was interesting, Haina, guys? What are your thoughts on the Chapter? Drop them in the comments :* :*

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