Chapter 45~ An Unpleasant Guest

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The three friends bonded well over dinner, and then they sat for desert. Suchitra teased Rishabh stating he was missing Aashi so much that he couldn't stay away even a day.

Rishabh laughed it off while Aashi blushed. She kept nudging Suchitra and glaring at her but she was undeterred.

Around 10 pm, there was a ring at the door. Aashi and Suchitra glanced at each other, concerned and confused. They wondered who it could be.

'I will see.' Rishabh said seriously. Aashi and Suchitra closely followed him. Rishabh peeped through the peephole and looked back at the girls

'It is some man.' Rishabh said. Aashi frowned and stepped in front of Rishabh and peeped through the peephole.

'Aditya.' She said stepping back. Aashi looked at Suchitra and saw the color drain from her face.

'What does he want now?' Rishabh said bitterly.

'We aren't opening the door.' Aashi said holding Suchitra with one arm around her shoulder.

There is another door-bell. Suchitra took a deep breath, - 'I am opening the door.' She said determinedly.

Aashi shook her hand, she wanted to protest but Rishabh held her hand. When she looked at him, he slowly shook his head. She nodded dropping whatever she had to say.

Suchitra opened the door, Aditya smiled at her but his smile faded when he saw Rishabh standing behind her.

'Who is he?' He asked directly.

'Why have you come here?' Aashi countered him instead. He didn't like it.

'I am the landlord here.' He said darkly

'Correction, your father is.' Aashi said confidently.

'Don't you dare speak with that tone. And you-'

'Mind your tone, Mr. Aditya.' Rishabh said sternly. Aditya looked at Rishabh, his eyes darkened. But Rishabh wasn't intimidated he looked back, staring into Aditya's eyes.

'This is what you have become Suchitra.' Aditya looked away from Rishabh and at Suchitra. She was the weak one here, he could easily intimidate her.

Slowly, Suchitra looked at Aditya, - 'After our breakup, you have become a despo calling random men at home.' He said. Before Suchitra could respond, Aditya welcomed a tight slap on his cheek. He was stunned.

'How dare you? Be within your limits.' Aashi said angrily. Aditya held his cheek and glared at Aashi.

With all the commotion, their neighbors peeped from their flats.

'What is happening?' Vimala Tai asking walking towards their flat. Aashi was relieved to see her. She will vouch for them.

'Suchitra?' Vimala asked concerned, she held her hand, she got worried seeing Suchitra in tears. She then looked at Aditya who stood there with his palm on his cheek, she looked back at Suchitra, - 'Is he troubling you?'

'Yes.' Aashi said fuming in anger.

Aditya glared at her, then looked around, seeing people collect he walked away. Aashi exhaled loudly letting out the breath she had been holding.


Fifteen minutes later, Vimala Tai held Suchitra as she broke down narrating everything. Aashi caressed her arm gently and kept consoling her. Rishabh sat on a chair facing the double sofa where the ladies sat. He watched them.

'Don't cry, bacha. No.' Vimala Tai separated their frames and wiped her tears. When Suchitra looked at her, she shook her head repeating, - 'No.'

Suchitra nodded pressing her lips tightly as she tried hard not to cry again.

'I should be going.' Rishabh said glancing at the wall clock. Aashi glanced at the wall clock too and nodded standing up with Rishabh.

'Come I will drop you.' Aashi said walking with him.

'No, Aashi. You stay with Suchitra. She needs you.' Rishabh said seriously

'Okay, but at least let me drop you till the gate.' Aashi said with a smile. Rishabh nodded. Aashi spoke with Vimala Tai and requested her to stay for little more time while she comes from downstairs. She looked from Aashi to Rishabh and then back again at Aashi and nodded.

'I am sorry.' Rishabh said as the two entered the elevator.

'Why?' Aashi frowned turning her head to look at him.

'I messed up,' - Rishabh said shaking his head, - 'I thought I will get flowers for Suchitra and make her feel better but-' He stopped speaking when Aashi held his hand.

'No, Rishabh. It wasn't your fault.' She said softly, her tone encouraging. Rishabh smiled reluctantly.

Once again, both found difficult to avert their gaze from each other. Aashi shifted little gripping his palm tighter in hers. She smiled at him, - 'it was a cute gesture.' She said sincerely.

'Yeah, but where ever I go trouble comes.' Rishabh said looking away. Aashi's smile dropped. She wanted to say more but the elevator door opened and they got distracted.


Aditya, Rascala. He disrupted a fun friends night *angry face* And Rishabh *heart breaks* Why you blame yourself *sad face*

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