and if

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Taeyongs POV

"Taeyongiee~!" I love hearing that voice and how it called my name, and most of all I love the person who is calling me.

I turned back seeing a struggling Chittaphon.

"Excuse me excuse me, pleasee"  Ten said while passing through a sea of students in this suffocating hallway with a not so dim lights, I wonder when they'll fix it. I thought to myself while looking at Ten, I chuckled at him struggling to pass through.

When I heard someone fron beside me talking amongst each other.

"He's cute! Should I date him?" A girl asked her guy friend which seemed hurt when the girl blurted out those words. The i came up to the both of them and said. "Yeah, I know he's cute, but he's mine, touch him and I'll kill you" with that I left and stood infront of the crowd where Ten still cant pass through, whats wrong with these people?

So I shouted out at the top of my lungs so that everyone can hear

"Yeoreobun!! Let that boy" I pointed at Ten's priceless face and continued "pass through please!!!" my voice boomed through the hallway and everyone kept quiet and made a way for Ten ,and he looked down while everyone was looking at him

I pulled him for him to hurry up, then I instantly held hands with him which he respnded with, we held hands while walking through the hallways while everyone was looking at so I release Tens hand from mine

I looked at Ten straight in the eyes and said "I'll always be here for you, you dont need to be shy being with me" he just responded with a pout, I know it hurts knowing that the one you love so much is shy being with you infront of people,  "Ten, please be confident for once, for me please?"

He looked down for a second and gave a little nod  "now, can you hold my hand not looking at the ground?"

he held my hands with his soft ones, the hands that reassured me that my world is safe with this person.

When we reached the classroom, we had our normal classes and the day went by in a blur, I went to go to Jaehyun leaving Ten with Doyoung,

"Hey jae" Jaehyun then turned around the moment he heard me calling his name, "here your notes, Doyoung wanted me to give you this"

He looked at me with a confused look "are you Doyoung? Why you-"

"I dont know" I told him with a straight face

He sighed and I asked him what happened and he just replied with an I dont know, I thought they were okay already

"It might be because of the night I accompanied him home , after that I texted him and "

"And??" I asked with curiosity

"He cursed at me." He looked so sad

"That made you sad? Really?"  I replied, "No, not really, well, my Dad wanted to arrange a marriage, and no matter how many times I fight back..." He sighed judt by looking at him ,he cant take the pressure given to him, "its still useless fighting back"

"Atleast you fought" i said trying to make him look at the bright side, he just nodded and stayed silent for a second or two

"So, aren't you planning on taking Ten out on a date?"

"I planned on doing so, but I never actually planned everything yet.."

"Well let me give you an advice when it comes to dating someone, especially-" he didnt get to continue what he's about to say when I interrupted " I dont need does fcking advices, I know how to handle this" I said with pride and confidence

"Lol, I thought you haven't planned it yet"

"Well I haven't but,..  Whatever, continue what you're about to say" I said and glared at him

"Im just trying to help" he rolled his eyes and continued "when it comes to dating someone, especially Ten, You need to enjoy your relationship with quiet romantic dates"

"I'll think about it" I stood up and grabbed my jacket from the bleachers "I thought I lost these and was about to get out of the gym and turned to face Jae and say my thank you ,he just plainly smirked "dont go gay on me"

"Damn you, I have my Ten"

"And I have my Doyoung, well he's not mine yet, but he will be ,


Sorry for such a short update, I'll be updating tom with a bit longer one.... If i can get a decent wifi here hehe mian , im just so tired right now, and i just got home (´-ωก̀)。゚
And thank you for all ye support💕, omo~ ><

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