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"Maybe silence brings peace to our inner turmoil but a coward's best escape is in their silence."- *xsterisks (Author)


Phana's Point of View

Beneath the shades of a tree a young man reclined, resting his back against the tree's trunk. As the leaves dancing with the winds gentle blow and the breath of the post-summer redolence brush upon his exposed porcelain snowy skin, I take a step closer to the very familiar breathtakingly beautiful scene.

"Beam..." I called out his name, opening my mouth but seems no sounds escaped. It was completely soundless.

But it looks like Beam heard my calling, he turned his head to my direction and after our gaze met the first thing I perceive was the pain and distress in his eyes. It was flooding salty tears whilst he was still smiling.

"Pha..." He voice out but barely fathomable. His voice was filled with sorrows and deep-longing.

I struggled to take a step towards him but my legs felt like stone. "Beam." I sound off. "Beam..."

I noticed that Beam was saying a word, opening his lips apart and saying something to me but it was unfathomable whereas he was slowly evanescing in front of me. I must reach him! But the second I accumulated all my strength to take a step closer, I looked at his face; the same smiling face, curling his lips in a lonely grimace with a last tear dribbling down in his snowy cheeks, he was gone. Then I let out a scream of anguish that resounded across the locus.

Sweat is falling across my face and I am catching my breath. Weird! I awoke with a start from my nightmare and it wasn't about anyone but Beam.

This past month my mind was filled and sheltered the brunette guy, my best friend, Beam. He was keeping himself busy and I can recognize the exhaustion in his eyes with wrinkles clearly prominent on his face. It was unsettling, it was not like Beam, this isn't him at all.

He was having such unacceptable excuse when I asked him to have lunch with me together with Kit and he always refused to hang out with us. The odd thing is, Kit never intervene and never nag about it.

Obviously he was avoiding any contact with me. Too obvious because he was still talking to Kit but he never open up to talk to me. It was frustrating. Very frustrating that one time I even forgot to see Wayo for our date last week.

Beam, seriously!? What are you doing to me?!

My head ached, and I felt like I was skirting the edges of rationality. I hovered my gaze towards my side table, checking the time on my table clock.

Eleven : Twenty-five.

I sat tentatively on my bed. I roamed my eyes rubbernecking around my room.

The wall was painted milky-white, the black-leathered sofa on the other side, the simply ornate study table and the stillness of the curtain on my glass window. As the pictures went by, my phone fought of my daydream.

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