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"The world may have robbed us our happiness now but that was only because we let it steal our way. The next time, I swear, when our love becomes overwhelmingly hot, I'll come to you— and we will be untouchable."— Jans Hayne's The Things That Cannot Be.


Beam's Point of View

The deserted park next street and the dark sky abandoned by the glow of the sun plus the piercing coldness of the wind breeze is now one of my escape, a safe haven. Away from all my distress and worry, far from my distasteful fate made by the Gods.

For three days, I managed to imprison myself inside my four cornered room after talking to Kit that I needed time to be alone and he play along with 'Beam is sick. You can't meet him' to Pha as well as at the university. And at night till around two in the early morning, I seek escape in this park. Alone.

In the past few days I just keep on contemplating about things that I've done and I will be doing.

I lifted my head's up and my sight focused to the night sky, it is desolated without the light of the moon and the million twinkling of stars, just plain voided darkness. With only the lampposts beside the bench I seated lighting the landscape, I closed my eyes feeling the coldness that piercing athwart my exposed snow-pale skin.

'Pha...' I mumbled between my lips.

How can I just ignore him when every time I close my eyes I saw his lean figure smiling not for me but for his Wayo? His earthy scent is still lingering through my nose, the warmth of his touch left a mark on my skin and the feeling his lips against mine is still crystal-clear in my memory.

'...I am sorry I love you.' I didn't intended to voice out the last phrase but it just went out of my control.

"Pha again?" I opened my eyes then swiftly adverted my gaze towards where the voice came.

"Forth?!" I was dumbstruck but handled myself to whisper his name out from the tip of my tongue.

He took the unoccupied space on the bench ahead my right as he lifted his long muscled arm holding a handkerchief and handing it to me. I frowned giving him a questioning look but instead of answering it with words he answered it by a gently wiping the piece of cloth on my cheeks.

"You cried a lot today..." He said and continued wiping out the hankie on my face.

He threw me a worried look. "...that it clearly stained your face." He added and hovering his hankie to my hands.

I laughed, "Is it too obvious?" The usual Beam's laugh and the popular cheeky-teasing tone.

"Beam, I already told you that no need to put up your walls if you're with me. So, won't you please?" He just bluntly demanded.

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