Go, go, do something!

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3rd POV:

Ari was in her dorm, on top of her spot on the bed. As she worked on her report on Dialga on her pink laptop, her fingers typed away sentence after sentence, sliding in and out of tabs. Catherine was also with Ari, sitting under the top side of the bunk bed. She was playing Purrlion Run on her phone, focused intensely into the screen. Her fingers smoothy flashed at all directions, making her Purrlion jump, duck, going left and right- she was unstoppable. Everything was fine until she perked up at the loud slam of the door opening, she dropped her phone and her Purrlion fainted immediately after, having lost the game. Catherine stood up in pure disbelief and anger, turning her head towards the door, revealed Eddie.
He was holding a bag of groceries, furring his brows in a confused state as Catherine charged at him, swiftly dodging out of her way after she got close enough. Catherine and fell down and groaned. She growled, "Knock, dude!!" lecturing at Eddie. He rolled his eyes and set down his things, jumping onto the nearby beanbag and pulling out his phone to watch Pokétube. Catherine huffed to herself and sat back down where she previously was, picking up her phone and restarting the round. Ari sighed heavily as she pressed Ctrl-S, sending a copy of her report to her teachers via email. She slumped down on her back, rolling to her left and falling asleep. She was exhausted, working for 3 hours non-stop. Eddie chuckled silently to himself, hearing Ari's struggles. Catherine kept her attention onto her phone.
The bell rung for 1st class, the halls were flooded with students, Eddie packed his things and opened the door to go outside while Catherine repeatedly tapped Ari's forehead to wake her up. Ari shook her head, awaken. She hopped out of bed, following Catherine to class. As everyone got into their seats, the teacher entering right after only to sit in her desk and sort out papers. Catherine sat next to Ari's left side and Eddie sat next to Ari's right side. Maria and Jamie we're behind Ari and Eddie, snickering and whispering to each other behind their backs while they're not paying attention. The teacher, Mrs. Matt, cleared her throat. "Alright! Goodmorning, students! Welcome to 1st class, we will be learning about the Kalos region!" She declared, some of the class groans in boredom.

Ari's POV:

The Kalos region, huh? Pfft- finally. Unova was so easy to learn about, I am confident Kalos would be too, since the two regions are fairly close to each other. You could call them the same region, sort of. I was into Alola more, but we wouldn't learn that until we get into 11/12th grade. So i'm going to work and study real hard if I want to do anything about it. I will make it. I pull out my purple notebook out of my brown backpack, opening it and flipped the pages until I reached a clean page. I glared up at the whiteboard, copying down notes I need to keep for later. After a few minutes, we all pair up with a partner to do a poster project.
Unfortunately, I was paired up with Maria, while Catherine was paired with Eddie. I have a feeling the universe really wants a deathmatch between them. I sigh quietly in disgust to myself, sitting next to Maria. She snickers while I scowl softly. We both pull out our construction paper and work on our roles. I was the one drawing out the region and the pokémon whilst Maria wrote down the heading and both of our writings onto the paper. We kept silent because we both knew we would get detention if we ever tried to even peep a word to each other, we would be going back and forth like insanity.
After about half an hour, the teacher halted the entire class, it was time to share. We were the second to go up, Catherine and Eddie were first, then the rest of the class eventually finished presenting. We later wrote a reflection of today's project, after so, the bell rung. Everyone packed up their things and headed out of the classroom.

3rd POV:

After a couple more classes, the gang went to lunch. Everyone in the grade got into a line, some tried to skip, but of course- the teacher caught them and made them go back in the line. Ari was the fourth person in the line, like usual. Today was a Tuesday, so we got a bananas and burgers. Ari grabbed a plastic tray and let the lunch lady put in my food, then she grabbed a milk carton for myself, and walked towards the nearest table. Catherine and Eddie soon followed, Catherine sitting to her left and Eddie to her right. "So, how close were you guys to detention?" Ari asked the two, raising a brow in amusement. They both rolled their eyes, Eddie squinted his eyes, as an example of how close they were. Ari chuckled, having a feeling it would happen. She took a bite of her burger, Catherine peeled open her banana and took a chomp of the tip and Eddie drank some of his milk from his milk carton. They soon finish their entire trays and throw them out, playing with cards together to pass the time before the bell rung once more. Ari and Eddie returned to their dorms and so did Catherine, she went back to hers to study, so they waved each other goodbye. Ari sat on a nearby beanbag once she reached and opened the door for the shared dorm room, Eddie slumped on his part of the bunk bed and pulled out his phone to look at a few images whilst Ari fell asleep.


??? hid behind a dumpster, ??? behind her. "Mabel, quickly- over here." ??? jumped into the dumpster, Mabel following her. "Are you sure, Abby? It stinks here." Mabel snorted, slightly coughing. Abby rolled her eyes, "You're a wimp." 

A/N: exposed wowza ;0 
also this took fgucking forever hHG

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