➳ Chapter 4 ➳

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Chase's POV

I was a cheater. I was that forbidden word that everyone hated uttering but seemed to flow around the air so much. I was that word. That god forsaken word that wouldn't be uttered at church because it was so much of a sin. I, myself hated that word and never thought I would be it. Become it. I never thought one day I would be it but, here I was lashing out in my belongings because of it.

I was and am a cheater.

I felt sick in my own stomach and my gut wrenched as I rethought about my actions again. This was all his fault! If he hadn't been there looking so good under the damn moonlight then I wouldn't have kissed him and forgot about Alyssa.

Who am I lying to?

This was all of my fault.

I frowned and sat on my bed staring at the mess I had made. I called her endlessly, all night and I texted her endlessly, all night also but, nothing came out of it. Not one 'oh leave me alone asshole' or anything. I would have rather had that than her negligence towards me. I mean why was I whining over it? I deserved everything coming for me.

I cheated on her.

Worst of all with Luke Smith, probably the person she hated most on this earth. I mean he's a boy! I'm a boy! And we wow...that was so gay.

Most of all I hated how instead of wanting to go and beg for forgiveness I wanted to end it and skip into Luke's arms and act as if everything was butterflies and daises or something like that. I inhaled sharply, tangling my fingers in my hair and pulling at it in frustration. What the hell was wrong with me?! I shouldn't want to go back to him. It was not going to end well if I did or if I even tried to. Tried to? I shouldn't even try? I messed up a relationship already because I couldn't control my feelings and I ended up hurting a girl that was deeply in love with me.

I rubbed my temples and picked up my car keys. I rushed out of my house, hoping my feelings for Luke would suddenly evaporate into thin air as I drove to Alyssa's house to apologise.

I clenched the staring wheel so hard that my knuckles ended up turning white and as soon as I parked I ran to her front door and wrapped a few knocks on the door. "Mrs Power." I smiled sweetly, hoping my eyes didn't look too sunken in and red for her to question me. "Hello, how are you?"

"I'm doing well. Presumably you have come to see Alyssa? The poor girls been overly sad. I hope you can cheer her up." She smiled sweetly, oblivious to what I had actually done and that made my stomach flip even more. God, she would hate me after this. Sweet little church good boy Chase would never cheat yet, he did so to my daughter. Can you believe that?!

"Yes he cheated on her!" I imagined her telling her friends on a quiet afternoon, when the grass would look ever so luscious under the sun as the wind swept in a cool manner. They sat under an umbrella eating some cakes and drinking wine, the only disturbance to the perfect afternoon would be me. The mere topic of me would ruin a week or twos worth of planning a perfect afternoon.

"But he's a good boy he would never dream of doing something like that."

"With a boy too! Luke Smith or so I have heard." A woman wearing pink contributed.

"Luke, the Smith's son? The one that sleeps around." Another one of the women shunned me and him. "I'd never take him as such a fruit..."

"Oh come off it we all knew he was a faggot the day he turned twelve." Mrs Power would say.

"Chase?" I blinked hard, trying to regain my composure. I'm sure that's happened before but it would be even worse. My imagination was running and turning wild. I moved my shoulders.

"Sorry Mrs Power, you were saying?"

"I'm leaving for a bit. I'll be back later. I can trust you?" She raised a brow and I nodded quickly remembering the real reason for my presence here. The slender woman let me through and shut the door behind me after announcing she was leaving to her daughter.

I calmly took in some breaths and prepared a small speech-no explanation for her and I tucked away my sweaty palms in my sweatpants pockets. I hoped I wouldn't have a breakdown in front of her because she truly didn't deserve to see me in that state despite what I've put her through.

I quietly stepped up the stairs slowly and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as my stomach twisted in disgust. I couldn't be hearing...no it couldn't be. She wouldn't...would she? As I got nearer her room the moans and groans seemed to be getting louder and I didn't even bother to knock. Instead I opened the door and leaned against the frame coyly, trying to hide my emotions. The pair were so caught up in themselves they didn't even regard me or notice that I had come into the house.

"Oh Nate." I mimicked Alyssa when she moaned and Alyssa's eyes snapped open and Nate's eyes widened. Alyssa quickly got off Nate and they both scrambled to hide themselves. "Wow Alyssa, you downgraded." I laughed cynically, "I thought I was bad person but, I think we're on the same level now." I smirked maliciously anger flowing through my veins. "Maybe yours is worse. I mean I kissed someone, you had sex with Nate! Of all people Nate." I tried to hide my anger but failed terribly. I rolled my eyes, "You are truly a cheap whore just like Luke said." I swiftly turned around trying to do hard to go and punch Nate.

"Chase please!" She was following and yelling after me as I was walking away. "Let me explain!"

"I think you should get back to your boy toy." I growled, through gritted teeth, slamming her front door shut. I frowned getting into my car and sitting there for a few seconds trying to think properly. Trying to straighten my thoughts and trying to think of who I should go to.

I crumbled internally, knowing she was watching me through her window. I didn't show any emotion as I drove away from her home, not knowing how or what to feel. I felt empty but, relieved as sick and as stupid as it sounded I felt slightly relived. I was probably one of the strangest guys out there because who the hell would feel relieved after their girlfriend-sorry ex I mean slept with the biggest man whore ever?

Well, I did.

It was like I was finally free from her bitchy and catty attitude that I knew was always there but, I decided to overlook. I held onto the wheel as I drove around aimlessly, perhaps finally happy that I could be myself-without her and without the burden of feeling shitty about kissing Luke.

Oh Jesus Christ, I kissed Luke-well, we kissed I mean and wow. I had forgotten about it for a second and again, I didn't know how to feel. My mind was an absolute frenzy of thoughts that ranged from Alyssa to Luke (two total different scales if you didn't know) and I knew I needed time to think but, I didn't even think about Alyssa.

All I could think about was him.

HELLO EVERYONE. I know you've all wanted this to be updated so here is an update! Spicy stuff going on lads. I've missed this part of my fan base. Shout me because I love y'all deeply.

This chapter is dedicated @blacksuttle for being a re-reader!!! Miss you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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