A New Visitor

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" Ugo?" Aladdin asked.

But the giant ignored him and summoned the pink flames he used in Amon's dungeon. 

" No way! Hey, Ugo?" 

But Ugo didn't listen and continued to build up power.

' This is so strange, Ugo has always listened to Aladdin. What's gotten into him?'

Sinbad turned to everyone who hadn't left before. " Not good! Run, quickly!" He exclaimed. 

Just after he said that, Ugo brought the flames down onto Judar.

The attack caused a huge explosion, smoke billowing everywhere. I jumped back with Aladdin in my arms and landed near Morgiana, who had carried Alibaba and some bystanders out of the range of the attack as well.

" Are you two all right?" She asked. 

" Yes." 

" Yeah, we're okay, Morg."

Alibaba started getting up and looked around frantically. " The Fog Troop, no!" He exclaimed.

" They're fine." Morgiana told him. " Thanks to Sinbad's quick thinking, it looks like there aren't any casualties. That sudden warning shout of his allowed everyone time to run to safety...except...it looks like he's..."

We looked into the crater from the attack and Ugo stood there alone; Judar was gone. After a few seconds, the ice inside of Ugo's chest disappeared and more magoi leaked out of him.

" Hey Aladdin, it's strange, what's going on with Ugo?" Alibaba asked. " I mean it looked like he was moving on his own!"

" I just don't understand...this has never happened before. So even I don't..." Aladdin replied. 

Slowly, all the holes in Ugo closed up.

" Well, well! What on earth is the matter with that monster?"

We looked up to where the voice was coming. 

Up in the air flew a large carpet carrying what seemed to be a small army. At the front of the cloth there was a nicely dressed girl with long red hair, a man in nice robes, and three guards, one of which was carrying an unconscious Judar.

' Yay, he's alive. And that girl, let's see, red hair, nice clothes, better-than-you attitude; just great, a princess, and one from the Kou Empire no less. This day is just getting better, isn't it?'

" I can see he's had a field day by tormenting and brutally punishing our sweet Judar." The princess said.

' She's thinks JUDAR is sweet? Has she met him?!'

" We managed to save him in the nick of time, didn't we?" The man beside her asked.

" But he's still seriously injured!" She replied. " Listen here, Ka Koubun, you better make sure you can heal him. If he'd died, it would be a disaster."

" Yes, your highness, I am quite aware of that. This is a man of value and respect, he is our priest, after all."

" Unbelievable!" Ja'far exclaimed.

" I know, those people are from the Kou Empire." Sinbad tells us.

" The Kou Empire?" Aladdin asked.

" Yes, that girl up there is one of their princesses." I explain.

Ugo summoned more fire and the princess said " Oh, come on! Does that monster still want to fight? Sounds like fun! All right, I'll be happy to take you on!" 

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