who are you?

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I walk into my house closing the door behind me, and go to my room then. Toss my stuff on the ground and plop down on my bed remembering everything that happened today.

Earlier today
I'm walking to my job when I get pulled to the side by this beautiful man..it's strange, he looks familiar "can I help you?" I say cheerfully. He looks at me with his beautiful goldish green eyes "i need you to come with me  he says annoyed. "Why? Where are we going?" He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand and pulls (ok I exaggerated he walks me) over to his car and outs me inside.

3-5 minutes later 
Were at his house. It's a fucking mansion! He opens the door to the car for me. "Where are you taking me?" I ask him but he doesn't respond..
Run he's probably gonna rape you!  

My inner voice tells me..wich my inner voice is ALWAYS right..but i cant move, its almost like im drawn to this place. Then i finally snap out if it and pull my hand back. 
he looked a little shocked.

 I can't stop thinking about him..us..and the life we used to have. He may not remember me but- cut off in thought by Tae yelling "were about to go in my house" I said calm but annoyed. What can I say..I loose patients easily. "Why" he says looking at me with his beautiful blue and green eyes "because I said so" I pull him by the hand and we walk inside.

I wonder what their relationship was..
Does yoongi know something?
Why won't he tell him 'yet'?
How does yoongi know him?

Well..*sips tea* find out in chapter 4 ..hope you like my new versoin (I'm remaking this book)

Love, Mayukuo                

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