The Fight

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"What the hell is going on here?!" Leo shouted, rage brimming in his black eyes.

"Why don't you just stay out of it?" Luca replied calmly, but you could see his figure tense up.

"Why were you kissing Mavis?" Dylan shouted. And he never shouted.

"Isnt it obvious? We were confessing to her. And if you want to keep your head, then I suggest you stay out of it," Anthony snarled furiously at the men.

Right as Anthony finished his sentence, Mason jumped forward and punched him square in the jaw. Before I could react, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. That's when I finally realized the situation I was in. I screamed and tried to get to the now tussling boys, but Dylan kept his tight hold on me. I screamed and kicked, but his arms were like steel cables. He pulled me closer, making me freeze. He put his nose to my neck and took a deep breath. Was he sniffing me?!

He let out a deep sigh and hugged me tighter, pressing his large frame into my small figure. I could've sworn I heard him say, "You smell just like roses."

The boys seemed to stop and were all watching Dylan with mixed looks of jealousy and anger. Leo turned back to Luca and Anthony. "She wasn't yours first. She was mine," he spat out. I screamed in frustration and the boys quit their scuffling, looking back at me.

"Would you stop it?! I'm not some object you can claim because you feel like it!" I snapped, glaring at each boy. I shoved Dylan away from my shaking body. "You can't just declare your love for me and expect me to share those feelings! Especially if you all decide to declare your 'affections' at the same time! Don't even try that shit with me!" I shouted, turning around to scramble away from them.

I shoved open the metal roof door and jumped down the flights of stairs easily. I have to thank my hurdling skills for that.

I pounded down the rest of the stairs, moving to the front of the school. I slowed to a walk and pushed through the front doors to feel the chilly air of the fall weather. It never really bothered me though.

Just as I started my walk home, I heard a voice shout out my name.

"Mavis! Hold on!"

I didn't bother to turn around or stop. Because I knew whose gravelly voice that was.

It was Leo's.

I heard the sound of footsteps. But these footsteps sounded odd, like nails clicking against the concrete. In confusion, I swiveled my head around.

I shouldn't have.

A giant dog, no, it was a wolf, was on top of Leo, pinning him down. I froze. The wolf had a beautiful light brown coat with molten gold eyes. It was the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. Leo growled fiercely. But before I could react, he started to reshape. Bones cracking, reshaping, changing. Suddenly, he was a large black-furred, black-eyed wolf. He was at least the size a small pony, but so was the other wolf.

I let out a scream of pure fear, higher than I thought my voice could ever go.

The two wolves seemed to ignore me as Leo pushed up against the brown wolf, succeeding in knocking the other male over. The brown wolf twisted on his side and managed to land on his feet. The two giant wolves stood on their two back paws, their two front paws clashing together in an attempt to knock the other away.

I heard a shout from where the brown wolf came from. And, out of nowhere, Mason jumped from the bushes, running towards the two battling wolves.

I was frozen in time, completely unable to move. As soon as Mason spotted me, he froze mid-step and almost fell. He looked like he was about to say something, but he quickly shook his head, turned around, and sprinted once again to the wolves.

He grabbed each wolf by their neck fur and threw the wolves away from each other. I gaped at his intense strength. Since when was he so strong?

"Stop it! Look at where you are!" Mason shouted and both wolves turned their beautiful eyes to me. Fear faded in my mind, leaving curiosity. The wolves shared a guilty look, before lowering their eyes and bounding back to the bushes.

I was always in love with wolves. They were my favorite animal. They were even my second favorite supernatural creature. Werewolves always seemed so cool to me. I never once thought they would be real. I had to be honest, this wasn't scary.

It was amazing.

But that didn't mean I wasn't freaked out by this. I mean, who would've thought they existed? My palms were sweaty and I could feel my heart beating quicker. Even though I knew these guys my whole life, the wolves that stood in front of me terrified me. But I wasn't gonna show them that.

Mason walked slowly to me while giving me a sad look. "Are you okay Mavis?" he asked gently, pulling me into his arms. I nodded, giving him a small smile. "That wasn't fake, was it?"

"No, it wasn't."


He smiled.

"We all knew you loved wolves. We were going to tell you as a group once we told you about our feelings."

I gave him a confused look. "What do you mean? Don't wolves have mates or something? Other wolves that you cherish and love? The only ones in the world you care about? Or were all of those internet pages about werewolves I read wrong?" I asked. He quickly nodded before a blush rose on his face.

" are our mate."

I gave him a startled look. "How? I'm only a human."

He gave me a confused look, before smiling. "I don't know, I just know my wolf is screaming at me to have you, claim you, and keep you away from everyone. Even the guys. And I'm starting to think I shouldn't fight him on it." I blushed madly, keeping my eyes pinned to my feet shyly. "Why?" I managed to squeak out. I was really starting to freak out a bit.

Mason pulled me to his chest and took a deep breath with his nose buried in my neck. He let out a possessive growl, making a small shy smile rise to my lips.

And he said something that made my heart skip a beat.

"Because you're all fucking mine."

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