Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

His lips trailed themselves along the outline of my jawbone, alluring in every detail; once again making their way back to my ear. My biggest weak spot, and he knew this all too well.

I trembled with expectation, eyes closing while I awaited his next move, only to yelp when he bit down on my earlobe to bring me back into reality from whatever cloud nine I was walking on.

He chuckled lightly, shaking his head as I pulled back to glare him. That was the second time he had chomped on my ear, the first was that night we were standing upon the balcony leading to my room. Gah, he is such a playboy!

I rubbed my now throbbing lobe and took a couple of steps away, letting the radiance from my sulking disappointment fill the space between us.

"I got you again," his mocking tone made me want to stomp my foot in aggravation. Instead, I blinked and rolled my eyes, keeping my outer character calm as I looked away trying to seem uninterested.

My attention found its way to the green house windows by now, noticing how they were covered in amazing patterns of frost and icicles on the outside. If someone had taken a canvas and tried to recreate the beauty these windows held, they would only fail in the vain attempt of capturing such a beautiful masterpiece.

Jack Frost had really out done himself, the place looked magical. It was so pretty, with the falling snow outside and the windows frozen over to create a screen, it was like a Winter Wonderland.

Yeah, I think describing the situation, Wonderland fit perfectly as a concept here. Ikuto of course being the Cheshire Cat, and myself, why I'm poor Alice. Trying to get a straight answer when all I'm getting are riddles, and hidden truth behind a puzzle I haven't quite solved yet.

Ikuto was definitely a puzzle, he had so many secrets and it's like once you figure out one, two more pop up in its place. I know a lot of it is just a defence, Tadase and I found that out the night we finally saved Ikuto from his step father and the grasp of Easter.

He was pushing everyone away not because he didn't care, in all honesty, he was hurting more than anyone else. He was protecting us the only way he thought he could, when in the end it was breaking him apart inside.

That wasn't Ikuto's would-be self.

Every time he destroyed an egg, every time he hurt someone, Ikuto hurt inside.


-Flash Back-

"I'm small and weak, I don't think I can fight as well as a boy.

But, I have a different kind of strength!"


I meant every word,

I felt the only way I could help was to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight until the pain stopped.

What you wanted all along, I get it now.

Ikuto, you want me to embrace your pain and suffering.

If you really have to fight,

it's the least I can do.

That night as I held Ikuto in my arms, Dia had told me this was my answer.

Was it, from the start, my destiny had never been to date Tadase-kun?

Was it that I-

-Flash Back Interrupted-

"Yo," Ikuto's voice broke my concentration, my gaze floating back over to him sheepishly. For what ever face I had made, it must have been a sight. Because the way he stared at me with one brow raised, it was like he was staring at a new species of human that had just ran across his path.

Oh man, kill me now!

"Eheheh," I rubbed the back of my head, having no explanation for him what-so-ever. I could feel the sweat-drop form as I lowered my eyes, man I just wanted to shrink and hide.

This only seemed to intrigue him more, I could hear his footsteps closing in as he walked to my side; stopping once he was at my shoulder.

"Do you always carry my key around?" I looked up instantly to see him swinging the Dumpty Key's chain around his finger. How did he get that, I had it around my neck with the Humpty Lock!

"I-I, uhm," crap; he had me there. It was a habit to put them both on when I was going out. Come to think of it, why did I always take his key with me?

"Or do you keep it close, because it's your little keep sake that reminds you of me?"

To be completely honest with you, I can not remember if Ikuto ever got his key back from Amu or not in the anime.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Soooo, for the sake of the story since I thought it was an adorable scene, we will say he didn't.

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