Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Everything came to a screeching halt. A keepsake, is that why I always carried it with me? I had never really thought about it like that before. Ikuto's key, even though we were miles apart, a small part of him was at my side the whole time.

I didn't know what to say, I could only stand there dumbfounded in silence. After awhile, he placed the necklace back around my neck before poking his index finger against my forehead.

"Since you made such a defensive argument, I'll let you hold on to it for me a little while longer," he sarcastically teased to my lack of dispute.

I was going to give him a witty comeback, when he turned and started to walk away; stepping out into the falling snow once more.

I guess it was time to leave?

The whole walk home I kept glancing in his direction from the corner of my eye, trying to figure him out. His hood was pulled back up at this point, casting shadows across most of his face as he stared off at nothing in particular; seeming to be deep in thought.

I wanted to ask him what was bothering him, but I figured it was best not to ask.

"Amu," his voice was low, there was definitely something on his mind. "I will make you fall in love with me."

My face set itself on fire, I could feel my whole body react to those words.

My reaction must have been exactly what he was wanting because a seductive smile played across his lips. For the rest of the walk home I couldn't look at him, every time I did my face would blush all over again. There was also the fact that my heart would skip a beat, so that probably wasn't good for my health.

Once we were back on my doorstep, he watched as I unlock the door, remaining silent as I took a step into the sleeping household. I glanced back to make sure he was following me, but when I seen he was still outside I blinked a few times; trying to whisper so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

"Aren't you coming?"

His brow quirked to this, smirking as he leaned in close to my face so he could whisper back.

"Why, is there a reason you want me in your room so badly? Still a perv I see."

Ack! He was so frustrating sometimes!

"N-No," I tried to whisper scream, you know, when you are trying to whisper as loudly as you can yet still keeping it a whisper. Really it just took away from the effect I was trying to get across all-together.

"Yoru is still here, I figured you wanted to get him."

Ikuto casually strolled in past me then, gliding up the stairs without a sound while I locked the door and followed moments later.

In the room, we found the guardians sound asleep on one of my pillows; all huddled together. Miki, of course, was lying the closest to Yoru since she had a crush on the little cat. Then again, Miki had a crush on everyone.

Yoru was snoring with a little snot bubble inflating and deflating from his nose each time he breathed; it was so adorable.

I looked to Ikuto, who only shrugged, placing both of his hands behind his head as he stood there looking bored.

"Hmn... as compensation for me letting you hold on to the Dumpty Key, I know how you can repay me."

Huh? What did he mean... repay?

"Come over to my place tomorrow."

That was it, that's all he wanted? Before I could say anything he gently picked up Yoru and walked out on to the balcony, looking back to give a quick, "later" before he left; not even giving me the chance to decline the invitation.

Not that I would have declined his invitation in the first place.

I shut the glass door then strolled over to my bed, too tired to even change into pajamas. I crawled into the comfort of soft sheets, and nuzzled down under my comforter beside Ran and the others.

That night, I fell asleep with a smile, wondering what could happen tomorrow at Ikuto's.

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