Chapter 7- The Mall

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1 Week Later

It has been a week since I moved out of Mikey's apartment, he and Mimi are still together and I'm still not over him, but me, Ashley and Jake were shopping because all me and Ashley are moving in together, we went to free hold Mall we are decorating the apartment we bought we have furniture but we don't have covers, pillows, blankets, WiFi, lamps, mirrors, food, bins, pots and pans and plates etc. But we both know we will get clothes as well so.....

1st we went to Primark, we got our clothes, makeup, covers, blankets, pillows and small mirrors. After we went to other stores we got everything we needed to get with some extra's that we didn't need but we got them we decided to get food.

Ashley and Jake sat at a table while I got the food when I was waiting for the food to be ready I saw Ashley and Jake being really cute I started smiling I just stood there looking around the rest of the mall but I looked at the escalator my smile dropped it was Ademir and Gavin but behind them was Mikey and Mimi holding hands. I grabbed the food as quick as I could and it was a subway so it was easy to carry. I got the table.

"We need to leave" I said  "Why"Jake asked, I could hardly speak I was on the verge of tears so I just pointed at them and the looked where I was pointing.  "Oh I see let's go before they see us we gotta be slick" Jake said smiling like a weirdo.

We all ran to the doors but as we were seconds from the doors they saw us.

Author's Note

I don't know if Primark and Subway are in Free hold but oh well

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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