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Kai L: I don't need to spew a thousand insults if one punch is good enough.

[c h a p t e r  o n e]

"Mia, do you have my coffee?"

I hurriedly rush over to Marcy as I hear her call me over. Maneuvering around the other worker's desks, I make it to Marcy's work space, handing her a black coffee with two sugars and a creamer. She gives me a slight nod of her head in appreciation before downing almost half the cup. To this day, I still couldn't wrap my head around the logistics of how she doesn't burn her tongue every time she does that.

She shoos me away, a tell tale sign of hers that notifies me that my presence was no longer wanted. Walking back to my small corner desk, I plump down onto my squeaky black office chair. As per usual, it made a loud creak as I moved it forward. Looking up to see if I had caused any disruptions, I'm relieved to see everyone typing away at their computers or discussing amongst each other about a new case.

I let out a sigh, putting a hand to my chin as I watch the other official police men and women go about their work. Being only an employee in training, I still wasn't promoted to an official police officer, even though I had all the physical training needed. For a year I've been working at this firm, complying to every order and demand they would give to me. Contrary to what they think, I know that what I do is pointless stuff.

Like organizing and alphabetizing a whole cabinet filled of old cases, some that even date back to thirty years ago. It's clear to anyone with a functioning brain that no one would ever have the need to look at any of those files, especially since all of them are marked as 'resolved' or 'closed'. Plus, none of those were of any importance. I would know since I took it upon myself to read all two hundred and thirty one of them.

Yet, I never once complained, always doing my task with the utmost positive attitude I can give. I would do anything if that secures a spot for me to become an official police officer. After years of training, I was finally placed into this department, and I've been working for these people for a year now. So far, there was no word on a promotion or hiring, but that didn't let my hopes down.

Turning on my old computer, I lightly bump the monitor, willing for it to load faster. A few minutes pass, and the start screen finally shows up. Drumming my hands on the oak desk, I was so intent on the screen that I didn't notice Richard walking up to me.

Richard was someone everyone respected. He had been in this department the longest out of everyone, and always gave you a warm welcoming in the morning.

"How are you doing Mia?" He proceeded to ask, snapping me out of my focused haze.

I bit my tongue in embarrassment, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Hey Richard! I'm doing fine, how about you?"

He shrugs in reply as he adjusted his belt around. "A little bit uncomfortable to be honest. I wore this uniform for years, and it fit me perfectly, but now it hangs a bit loose. I must've lost some weight."

He pats his stomach, almost as if to emphasize his point. I let out a laugh at his ramblings.

Shaking my head, I let out a smile as I ask, "So is there a particular reason as to why you came over here? Or did you miss your favourite unofficial officer too much?"

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