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Ayana was freaking out on the inside and she was worried she would soon do so on the outside. She started to drink some water.

"I'll do an easy one," Kuroo said smiling.

"Why?" Yamamoto asked.

Kuroo put a hand to his heart.

"Because I'm a nice person,"

Everybody in the gymnasium stared at him as if he had just said the biggest lie ever.

"You don't have to look at me like that," he said.

"Who do you find the most good looking?" Kuroo asked. Ayana began to choke. As if things were not bad enough, Suzumeda slapped her hard on the back. Kuroo was smirking. The bald boy, the boy with dyed hair and the boy who had taken the water bottles of Ayana leaned forward. Ayana scanned the group. She did not know half of them. Ayana decided the best way to settle this was to do ip dip doo.

"You!" Ayana exclaimed loudly pointing at the boy sitting next to the orange haired boy.

"Kageyama-a-a-a?" the orange haired boy exclaimed, "Are you sure?"

Kageyama himself looked shocked.

"Yes!" Ayana exclaimed.

The boy with blonde hair laughed.

"Shut up, Tsukishima!" Kageyama said.

"Okay again," Kuroo exclaimed. He smirked again.

"Let's shuffle our seats," he announced. Everybody changed their order. Ayana was seated next to Karasuno's manager, Yachi and Yukie.

"I'll start," Kuroo announced.

"One," he said.

"Two," a boy with hair which looked like pudding who was playing on his DS said.

"Three," the boy who had collected water bottles said.

"Four!" Bokuto exclaimed looking happy he was probably not going to be the next victim.

"Five!" a tall, white haired boy exclaimed.

"Six," Kageyama muttered.

Ayana stared. If everybody said only one number, it was going to be her again.

"Seven!" Komi exclaimed loudly.

"Eight," Tsukishima said tiredly.

"Nine," Kiyoko said.

"Ten," Suzumeda said afterwards.

"Eleven," the bald boy exclaimed.

"Twelve," the boy who looked as if he could be a gang leader said worriedly.

"Thirteen," a boy with grey hair said.

Ayana waited anxiously. If anybody decided to say an extra number, she would not be chosen again.

"Fourteen," a boy with black hair said grinning.

"Fifteen," Akaashi said.

"Sixteen," Konoha said.

"Seventeen," a boy with light brown hair said smiling.

"Eighteen," the boy with dyed hair said.

"Nineteen," the orange haired boy exclaimed.

"Twenty, twenty o-," Yachi began. Ayana stopped grinning evilly hoping Yachi would say twenty one by accident.

"Twenty," Yachi repeated looking at Ayana sympathetically. Ayana could hear Bokuto, Kuroo and Suzumeda cackling again.

"Twenty one!" she exclaimed exhaustedly.

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