Chapter 8

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Hazel's POV

Silence, yet for the sound of someone breathing beside me. I lay here, trying to get the strength to open my eyes. When I finally do, I see Lucas sleeping in a chair beside me. I sit up, seeing that I have changed into a nightgown. Lucas is leaning back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest. Wondering why he is in my room when I remember what happened. Flames, smoke, yelling, and the panic. Everything happening all at once.

Realizing that he saved me, and I now felt really bad. Slowly I get out of bed, walking to my door. Opening it to see a guard standing outside. "Princess, you're awake. Do you need anything? A nursemaid?" He asks. I smile, "No, but do you think you can get a servant or the cook to bring up lunch or is it dinner for two please?" I ask pleasantly. "Yes, I will." He then left, walking down the hall to the kitchen. Shutting the door, still seeing that Lucas is asleep, I walk to the stone fireplace; the flames were dying. I place wood on the glowing embers, making it catch, forming flames. Sitting down on the couch, staring at Lucas across the room.

Could I trust him? Can he actually be the friend I've been looking for? Maybe, I should listen to my heart. Feeling the same exact emotions when I first laid eyes on him.

Soft knocks on the door make me stand and go over to it. Opening the door, I see the guard had returned, but this time with a tray full of food—which made my stomach growl. Realizing I hadn't eaten in a long time, not even remembering when I last ate. I take the tray, thank the guard, shutting the door with my foot.

Suddenly, I see Lucas right behind me, making me jump. Almost dropping all the food, but we both catch the tray, having it not hit the floor. "I am sorry, I didn't see you there," I say, as he takes the tray out of my hands.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you; I wasn't expecting you to be awake already." He apologizes, walking over to the couch together.

"Oh..." I say, sitting down.

Lucas sat down beside me, 'Was it that bad?" I ask.

"Yes, we actually lost the whole barn. And a child, a boy. His name was Tyler." Lucas says, a tear slipping down his cheek and for some reason I lean over wiping it away.

"Were you close to him?" I ask.

He nods his head, "He was like my little brother. I told him I would be there for him. And I wasn't... I couldn't save him... I broke that promise..." Lucas sat there staring at me. For some reason, I pull him into a hug knowing he needs it right now.

"I too have known that feeling. I lost my baby brother. He and I were at the pond, ice skating in the winter. My parents were sitting at the edge, watching us. Taking a break and getting us hot chocolate. The day before, a tree had fallen at the edge of the lake. A crack beginning to run across the whole pond. We didn't know that it had done this. My brother and I fell through, my father saved me first from the cold water. Dragging me to land, he went back for him. But he was gone... Sinking into the darkness of the black pond, knowing that he sunk to the bottom. My father still went in after him, carrying his small, dead body out of the water. Our kingdom was distraught about the accident. The kingdom and my family have not been the same since the accident," I whisper as tears slip down my red, puffy cheeks.

Suddenly, I'm pulled into his arms. Crying into his shoulder, his warm hands rub my back, comforting me. "I'm very sorry about what you had to go through. And to keep it in for so long. I guess we're similar in a way, both of our hearts are guarded by a wall. Behind that wall is our heart that has been broken for far too long..." Lucas murmurs; his words hit my heart, opening a new emotion for me.


True love...

Is this really what I could be feeling right now? It's strange, but it felt so right at the same time.

Calming down, and pulling away from this unknown feeling. Staring into his eyes, eyes I am beginning to trust. Slowly, we began to get closer. Our lips grazing against each other, our first kiss. My real first kiss and it is all so new. His hand coming up to my face, and getting just a little bit closer. These feelings...

Suddenly, I felt something wet fall down my face and pull away realizing that Lucas had tears falling down his face. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I can't do this. I can't lie to you any longer. I love you too much..." I gasp at his words. Scooting away from him and taking my hands back.

"What do you mean?" Freaking out a little, I wonder if he is talking about the dream.

"You remember, don't you? You're thinking about it right now, aren't you? I can tell you're thinking about it. And I want to say everything that happened is real, it's all real. What I showed you, it's part of the future," Lucas announced.

I froze, my brain going on overdrive by trying to find something to prove him that he is wrong, and he wasn't telling me the truth right now. To go back to the moment we were just having, that loving moment.

"Hazel, I never wanted to hurt you. I'm so sorry, but I was sent here for a reason. I was sent here with others like me, to steal everything from the royal family, your family. All the money, jewels, and wealth... Hazel...."

I stand up backing away from this stranger. "You... I trusted you... And I thought I could love you back... Everything... w-was a lie. Why tell me now? T-To breaks me down... I-I bet that was what you planned all along, it was to break me..." I yell, tears falling faster down my face.

"No! Hazel! As soon as I saw you... I changed for you and me. I don't want to do it anymore; I just want to be with you. This is what I want instead of all the money. Because I already found my treasure and is you... B-Because I love you..."

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