Insane Sam2 part 12

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I started to get up when Jane stopped me.

"You should stay laying down." she advised and I did, "Slenderman and Masky will visit soon."

"Alright." a knot formed in my stomach, usually if Slendy wanted to talk it was either your in trouble or he has something very important to tell you. Which is either bad or good. I decided to take a nap until he came.

I woke up, the darkness of my own imagination is worse then any nightmare.

"How was your nap?" Masky asked, I looked at him and then I saw Slendy.

"Not as calming as I would want it to be...." I sat up, how long has he been here?

"Do you feel alright?" he asked, Slendy just seemed to study me like a book.

"Better.... I guess..." I sighed, my stomach still ached a bit, but not as much as to bother me.

"How long have you felt like your always hated?" Slendy said through Masky as usual. I froze and looked at my blankets.

"Ever since I got pushed off my bike when I was ten...." I remembered that day... it was the first day I realized that no one liked me at school....

"And I can tell you've kept that feeling and never really tried to change anything." Slendy looked at me. I nodded.

"I gave up on friends when they all abandoned me. I didn't change anything because no one did anything! If at least one person stood up for me, then i'd have something to fight for..." I didn't look at Slendy, I didn't want to see anyone frankly.

"What about your family?" Slendy asked.

"My sister helped me, my parents tried to get the school to have a better "no bulling" policy. But the bulling continued and soon enough I didn't care." I looked at Slendy for a second before looking back at my blankets.

"Why not go to a councilor when you could have?" his questions started to bother me.

"Because no one UNDERSTANDS ME!!" I looked at him as I started to yell, "Everyone tried to help me, BUT THEY DONT GET IT!!!" I screamed, but stopped as it started to hurt my stomach. Masky seemed scared, I don't think he's ever seen anyone yell at his dad like that.

"I see...." Slendy stood, "you stayed in your own darkness and yet you don't like to be alone, am I correct?" he looked at me as he stood by the door.

"What do you even want?! Like you say, I'll always be insane at heart!! So if this is to try and get me not to became completely insane like Zaglo did, then you know nothing about me!!" I looked at him as he left, Masky just stared at me.

"We are all just worried...." Masky said.

"Well you can stop because I'm fine!!" I yelled at him and he left as well. I stayed in the quiet room, my stomach hurting from all my yelling. I soon started to cry. My normal response to someone trying to help me is to chase them away before they started to hurt me... but I only ended up hurting myself....

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