Insane Sam2 Part 11

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A day or so after Eyeless stabs Sam

I lay in a bed, Eyeless sits next to me. I can't see it but I can hear him sobbing.

"Oh sorry...but I had to...." he continuously mumbles.

"Eyeless it's not your fault, how many times do I have to say this?" Jane stands at my feet, she sounds upset but strong. I coughed up more blood, my breathing growing shallow and farther apart, "Sam, stay with us!" I hear her say and I start to scream, pain shooting throughout my body from my many wounds.

"You said she would be fine!!" Eyeless was worried, his voice weak from sadness but caring and soft.

"I-I thought she was!! But she's bouncing in and out of consciousness." Jane tries to help, but my stomach continues to hurt, my whole body aches. Soon all I see is darkness.

The lonely and dreadful darkness that I now have to face. I walk around, my body doesn't hurt anymore, but now voices are mumbles and jumbles of words. I find a door and open in. My house... my family, we sit at the table eating, as if I never left all those years ago.

"How was school, Sam?" my mom asked. I then realized that this was the last memory of a family dinner I have.

"I hate it...." I mumbled.

"Do I have to kick some butts, because you know I will!" My oldest sister, Ciarra smiled. This was when she had visited us. She wasn't lying tho, sometimes she came to school and beat up people so they left me alone.

"No...." I mumbled, no I should have said yes! I should have begged her to not leave, to stay longer! But I didn't....

"You sure?" she looked at me worriedly.

"I can fight my own fights!! I'm not weak!!" I yelled and stormed out. No! I can't fight!! I can't even win this fight inside myself!! Go back!! I though but the past didn't change.... I was just a bystander. "Just go back, get help..." I whispered to myself, no one heard me. The darkness returned and I fell to the floor crying.

"Sam! Sam! I need you to calm down." Jane said, breaking the awful silence that seemed to never end.

"Just go back.... get help...." I continued to cry. I slowly opened my eyes, had I been crying in real life as well?

"Shhhh, it's alright." Eyeless said softly and kindly, he held my hand.

"Calm down Sam, you've been out for a couple of weeks." Jane stood next to Eyeless, they were both beside my bed.

"No.... I have to go back!! I have to say sorry to them!!!" I yelled and tried to get out if bed but ended up screaming in pain. Bruises still covered my body and I had a bandage around my stomach, which hurts the most, "I have to apologize...." I whispered over and over again as I cried. Eyeless tried to comfort me.

"It's alright, Sam. You'll be fine." He kissed my head.

Hours later

"W-what happened??" I looked at Eyeless.

"You tried to kill me, but I tried to bring you back to sanity with a kiss. But you continued to try and fight me. So I-I....." he stopped, he couldn't continue.

"Stabbed me...." I finished him, "I remember that...."

"I'm sorry.... I really am..." he looked at the floor.

"It's fine, I understand.... I'm actually glad you did...." My laugh was dry and empty.

"Hey Sam..." Emma walked in cautiously.

"Hey Emma." I smiled, "thank you for trying to help me...."

"Your welcome. I read your story and you're right. We come from two totally different worlds. I guess I owe you an apology." Emma put the folder down.

"I read yours before I gave you mine. I should be the one apologizing." I looked at her.

"We're both at fault I suppose. Anyway, are you feeling well?" she sits in a chair beside Eyeless.

"I guess...." I closed my eyes as a small wave of pain washed over me, "I'll be fine I hope..."

"The shadow people didn't like you save judging by how they tried to kill you after you passed out and before Slenderman chased them back." Emma explains to me.

"Oh, that reminds me! Slenderman wants to talk to you, Sam." Jane had been cleaning up the hospital like room I was in.

"Lovely..." I grunted, last thing I needed was the Abyss and more darkness!!


Bet you though I had stopped writing! well I haven't! I published like two parts of my story today and I'll work more on it tomorrow if I can! comment if you like, follow if you want and vote if you love!!

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