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It went from a spark to an oven flame.

That's what Craig thought after he and some handsome stranger ended up in bed after his first college party.

First they just sent looks to each other, then the stranger bought him a drink. He went to thank him, they started talking...and then things just moved so, so fast.

Hence why Craig chose an oven flame as comparison. Well, also because Mr. Stranger Danger was atleast as hot as an oven flame. Atleast.

Even the morning after, when Craig could only remember bits of last night, he only needed to look at the blonde hair and his bare back to know he didn't make some mistake. That's a really handsome stranger, also he got laid at his first college party. Yay.

Shortly, Craig wondered if he should wake his Partner up to see his face, but decided that it would be pretty awkward. He was content with staring at stranger's back, also the other would wake up by himself at one point.

He really wanted to say: “Good morning sleeping beauty” and smile that smile that made everyone melt. The other would laugh and it would be perfect…

Lost in his dream, Craig didn't notice falling asleep again. And when he awoke, stranger was gone.

And Craig didn't know anything about the other. Not his name, not his number, not his college or profession, not even his face.

All he knew was that he was blond, had a beautiful bare back, that they met at a college party.

And that the other was as hot as an oven flame.


“You have it really bad.”

Craig sighed. Hanging out with his best friend Clyde was usually funny, but today nothing could get Craig's mind of the stranger he would probably never meet again, that handsome, handsome stranger he could have woken up to see their face, but didn't do it because he wanted to say sleeping beauty…

Shaking his head, he sighed again, Clyde sighing with him. Craig knew he was being a bitch, but he couldn't change it.

“I'm gonna head out early.” Finally, his best friend spoke and Craig didn't have the power too protest. Watching his friends retreating back, he remembered the stranger’s bare back and sighed once more.

He was so in love.

With a stranger he never met, couldn't remember anything about them but their hair and bare back...Clyde was right. He had it really bad.

“What's the matter, in love or something? At least try to hide it, you sapp.” Rude. Not only did the person just call him out for no reason, they just sat themselves right across from his place, on his table that was already taken, while not even asking if they could.

Definitely a rude person, a rude person with snowy brown hair und steel blue eyes, a childish face with an expression of a nonchalant, wise old man. Their hair covered nearly half of their face, the left bangs longer than the right ones. His eyes were piercing underneath the hair and spelled emotion and self-confidence.

They also wore a grey overall over a white dress shirt, a black tie hidden beneath the overall as well, matching their black pair of pants. All of the clothing had a certain mark on them, most certainly showing their family insignia.

They were not only rude, they also looked very rich...and very arrogant.

“Excuse me…”, Craig started, only to get a raised eyebrow. “Who are you and why are you sitting here?”

The personeson huffed. “No other place and your friend left anyway. Didn't think I'd be sitting across a romantic, though.”

Craig was really starting to get angry. The boys attitude just bugged him so much, he really wanted to punch them. Or flip them off. Or both.

“What's your name and what are you studying here?” Craig asked again, trying to be patient with the other. However as patience was never one of Craig's strenghts, his voice sounded strained and nearly threatening.

The other didn't seem to notice however. On the contrary, he seemed to feel complimented by Craig's questions.

There was a faintest hint of a smile until the other said: “I'm not studying here. I'm still in high school. I'm visiting my brother, he wants to meet me here. His name his Tweek, do you know him?” Craig shook his head. “Full name?”

“Tweek Tweak.” What a peculiar name. Why would one give their child a name that sounds so much like their last name?

“And you’re…?” Craig knew that he was asking that for the third time, but the boy didn't seem to notice at all. He answered with a friendly and energetic voice, his rudeness disappearing into thin air when he smiled. What an attitude change.

“My name is Ethan Eliot Hollow. Ah, before you ask, we have different names because we are in different families. Got seperated as kids.”

Ethan looked away with a fond smile. Craig felt very undernamed next to him.

The other boy was surprisingly easy to talk to once he warmed up. Just in this short time, Craig noticed the intelligence hidind behind the chubby face and long bangs. Didn't mean he wasn't arrogant though. There was no denying that Ethan boasted the one or other thing.

They nearly talked for an hour, Craig finally taking his mind if the handsome stranger as Ethan told him about his brother Tweek, someone so funny and sweet and friendly like no one else.

Their talking got interrupted by Ethan's phone, which made a message sound. When the younger checked the message, he looked dejected.

“Brother can't come today…he said he'll meet me some other time”, he told Craig,looking miserable.

The older gave him an awkward shoulder pat, and Ethan left with half of an smile after exchanging numbers, waving Craig and walking down the street with an empty facial expression.

It only took about 30 seconds until Craig realized that with no one to talk to, his mind kept wandering back too the handsome stranger that he met that day.

The rest of his day was filled with heavy sighing.


A/N:  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year lluv3r! Hope you forgive me for being late :3

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