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JK pov

"Yah, Kookie, stop flirting with a guy you just met. Give him a few minutes to adjust." I can't believe this. That midget he just said I was flirting with him. I am not. The nerve of that man is really going to get to me one of these days.

"Yo, pabo shut up, I WAS NOT flirting." I could feel the heat rising in my face.

"Hey, both of you shut up. Can't a guy get some sleep without idiots waking him up all the time?" Then he looks straight at me and arches an eyebrow. "Not flirting my ass you're entire face is red kiddo." The fuck is wrong with this man? He knows how hard it is to get someone to date me, and this Taehyung guy is pretty cute if I do say so myself. But I couldn't say that he was cute enough for me to ask him out on the spot. Plus his already tomato red face was turning even redder after what Yoongi just said. And I'm pretty sure mine is getter redder by the moment, too.

I turned to face Tae and attempt to comfort him. "Hey ignore what Yoongi said. He's an idiot." I give him a mischievous smile. "Oh, but you can call him Suga, since that's what everyone calls him anyway." I leaned towards him and whispered, "Don't be fooled by his face, he's really just a squish underneath that scary facade."

"Hey! Who do ya think your calling an idiot, Jungkook? I'm your hyung and I deserve some respect around here!"

"Hey! Stahp it! I don't like it when you guys fight, it gets really annoying and Joonie has a headache! So S-T-O-P. I-T! (imagine jin spelling it out) SO STOP BICKERING LIKE THE LITTLE CHILDREN YOU ARE AND ACT YOUR AGES! Yoongi I AM APPALLED BY YOUR BEHAVIOR, ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF A NEW STUDENT. AND JUNGKOOK! HOW DARE YOU CALL Yoongi AN IDIOT, even if it's true, which it is, THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU A RIGHT TO USE SUCH BAD WORDS, APOLOGISE TO EACH OTHER IMMEDIATELY OR NO ICE CREAM FOR A WEEK!"

Ugh!!! No not the ice cream! Eomma Jin really does know what gets to me. So for the sake of my ice cream, I guess I have to apologize to the jerk.

"Jin, I'm sorry for using bad words. Yoongi, I'm sorry for calling you an idiot. And Tae? I'm sorry for causing a scene in front of you, especially since it's your first day here." I said. Eomma wouldn't have expected me to say sorry to Taehyung as well, so hopefully that'll get me an extra scoop of ice cream later on.

"Good job Jungkook. Yoongi?"

Since Yoongi was facing forwards the whole time he turned back towards us, "I'm sorry Jin, for being rude, and I'm sorry jungkook for being rude towards you. Taehyung I'm sorry you have to deal with this when you just got here." His apology sounds so empty. I swear this guy's a suck up. How can Jin possibly NOT see that? He says nice things, but you can tell that he doesn't really mean it. And he doesn't even try to behave himself. Not even to new kids.

"Thank you Yoongi for apologizing. Now does Taehyung accept your guys's apologies?" They all turned to the back of the van and looked at Taehyung. "Well? Taehyung? Do you accept their apologies?"

"Y-yes? I guess so." Tae looked down at his lap. "But Jin, they didn't have to apologize, I'm used to people arguing. Plus, with them arguing it reminds me of a K-Drama." He began giggling. How can he go off topic and make it sound so natural? And dear god why does he have a cute giggle?

Hobi then spoke up, "HI my name is Hoseok but everyone calls me Hobi. Yet some people *cough* Suga *cough* call me horse boy. But I would prefer you call me Hobi or Hoseok. Oh and just so you know me and Suga are a thing." I roll my eyes. Ok Hobi, we get it. He's said that to every single person we've met. I swear to god hobi is a such an overprotective boyfriend.

Namjoon then turned back to face Taehyung, "Well since everyone else here introduced themselves, I guess it's my turn. Hello my name is Namjoon, but you can call me Appa, Joonie, Nam, or whatever other cute name you can come up with. Just don't call me eggy. This kid over here" Namjoon stops mid sentence to point a finger at me, "calls me eggy everyday. Every single waking moment of the day since I've met him. This devil maknae is also the reason why I have a headache all the time." Lies, I tell you, LIES. I've only ever called him eggy once...... okay maybe I've called him eggy more than once, but hey, you can't argue that his face looks like an egg.

"JIMIN-ah, when are we going to get to the school it's already 7:59 and were damn late if you ask me." I'm going to miss the math test, then my seonsaengnim is going to give me detention(AGAIN) and life's gonna go downhill from there. See what I have to deal with everyday?

"Calm yourself Kookie, we had to bring Taehyung and Jin to the school." Oh yeah I forgot that it was Tae's first day at Bangtan academy.

Then Tae spoke up. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, what does Jin have to do at the school? He seems too old to be a senior."

"Why does everybody keep on calling me OLD?!?!? I'm not that old! I just turned 19 this year! Plus I'm the substitute teacher for the Korean language class. And in case you children didn't realize, we're at the school." How Jimin managed to drive properly with us quarreling in the back is a feat that I cannot understand. Maybe I've underestimated the mochi. I looked out the window and saw Bangtan Academy, the most prestigious high school in all of America. You had to go through this whole complicated process to see whether or not you were smart enough, or just had plain talent to get here. Me and Jimin got here on athletic scholarships. Jin who had graduated last year along with Eggy had gotten in on academic scholarships. And Hobi had gotten in on a dance scholarship. Suga happened to be the only one in the whole school with a music scholarship. But I had no clue as to what kind of scholarship tae had gotten to be here. And you couldn't just get here with money, you had to have a scholarship to even step foot in this school. There was one case where a kid got here without a scholarship he got here because his dad was the principle. His dad was fired and the kid was kicked out. Ever since then, the competition for a spot has gotten even fiercer. Only 150 out of several thousand kids accepted a year. Tae's really lucky to be here.

He looks at the school in awe. 3 stories tall and designed as a victorian era building, Bangtan Academy was a sight to behold. Teen aged kids fill the campus, hurrying to get to class before the bell rings. Which reminds me -

I turn around to face Jimin. "Nice job. You actually got us here on time for once in your life." He chucks my bag at me, which I barely catch. I think I hear Suga snicker under his breath. Oh, Imma get him later.

"But if all your smart talk gets you late, then you can't blame me this time," he says. He playfully punches my arm. "Come on, you still have to take Taehyung to the office AND manage to get your butt to class on time." Oh yeah. I forgot about Tae. I look behind me to see him looking around in confusion. "Tae," I call. He snaps his head in my direction. I wave my hand in a let's go gesture. "Ya coming? Bell's gonna ring anytime soon." He gives me that box smile of his again, and walks with me towards the school.


I will try to update this book once or twice a month at least. If I can update it I will hopefully be updated on Sundays. And im currently working on the 3rd chapter right now.

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