A Note From The Author

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This is purely a work of fiction. I have no evidence that anyone like Annie ever exsisted or knew Elvis. I just thought it was a fun idea to write a story around.

Some facts may be correct; some may not. I'm not an Elvis expert; I'm just a fan, and I'm still learning about him. But I've done the research, and I continue to research as I write.

I aim to make this story as realistic as possibly. I don't want to write a load of cheesy bullshit. I'm here, trying to give some sort of insight into Elvis' life and career, using some of my favourite candid shots of him, and through the voice of my ficitonal character, Annie. I feel I owe Elvis' fans a realistic story, because a lot of fanfics aren't. I won't make him seem like a totally, 100% good person, because he wasn't. He had his low points, and he made mistakes. I love the man, but I won't glorify him just to please the masses.

This is a little different from what I've done so far. Yes, there'll be drama. Yes,  there'll be romance. Because it wouldn't be one of my stories without those two things. But I've never written a memoir style story before, so go easy on me.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy what I have to write. Please let me know in the comments if you do. If you don't, fuck off.

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