19. Friendship

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  I watch eagerly as the MAMA Awards prepare to anounce "Artist of the Year." My heart pounds in my chest as I stare at the TV screen. I have supported and voted for Bangtan Sonyeondan, or Bangtan Boys, the past weeks. Last I checked, BTS had been second in practically every category, right after EXO. 

Just then, my phone rings. I sigh. The time has come for the official anouncement. I can feel myself leaning forward as the two MC begins to talk. 

My phone keeps ringing.

I live in Seoul, right where BTS lives, but I have never seen them outside the television or my phone screen. My parents have told me over and over it's unhealthy to obsess over "men too old for me." Sometimes I feel like I am an international fan who can never meet BTS.

Besides, the Bangtan Boys aren't THAT much older. Why, the youngest, the maknae, of the group, Jeon Jungkook is only three years older than me. 

My phone continues its obnoxious buzzing.

The female MC has opened the card that anounces the winner.


I can't stop a little squeak of joy that escapes me as the camera flips to to the Bangtan Boys who are standing up and hugging each other. It makes my heart flutter. They all look so handsome at the same time I can see the dampness of sweat in their hair. They have worked so hard. Kim Seokjin, Jin, really is worldwide handsome and Kim Namjoon, RM, the leader is so composed.

I finally look down at my phone.

The caller ID says it's Park Yun-ji, my best friend.

Yun-ji and I have been friends since five. Twelve years later, our friendship has remained strong, though lately, I know Yun-ji has been judging me a bit more on my love for BTS. She says I'm obssessing too much over them. She's probably right.

"Hey Yun-ji," I say, answering the phone.


I wince and pull the phone a little away from my ear as she basically screams my full name into the reciever on the other end.

"Phone's been ringing for like five minutes, why haven't you picked up?" she demands.

I smile a tiny bit. "Sorry. What do need?"

I mute the TV so I'm not more distracted as RM begins the speech.

"It's my parents," Yun-ji replies, softer. More subdued. "They're at it again. I was wondering if I could come over to your house and spend the night. Now."

"Of course you can, I'll see you soon," I tell her. "Oh and by the way," I have to try my hardest not to laugh a little as I have a small little joke to play on her sprout in my mind. "Bring your friendship necklace will you?"

Yun-ji pauses. "Friendship necklace?"

"The infinite eight necklaces we bought together," I remind her, having an urge to laugh.


I finally let out a little laugh, unable to contain it. "Don't worry, Yun-ji, I know you lost it."

"Wha...how?" Yun-ji sputters over the phone.

"You can explain yourself later," I tease her, "just grab your stuff and come over here."

I hang up as Yun-ji still is trying to say something incoherent, then switch off the television and get up to tell my parents that Yun-ji's coming. I can rewatch the speech and everything on youtube.

Yun-ji's parents has a rocky relationship, which is one reason why Yun-ji and I had grown so close. Yun-ji would often come over my house since her house is about only a ten-minute walk away from mine. I know my parents won't mind, and it will definitely help Yun-ji out a lot.

"Hey Mom?" I call upstairs, "Yun-ji's coming over. She'll sleep in my room, alright?"

"Okay honey, and feel free to grab something from the fridge if you girls get hungry," Mom calls back down.

I go into my room and tidy it up a little. I pause at my desk, bite my lip. I pull out the desk drawer and dig around until I find the small wooden box at the bottom. Slowly, I open it. Inside is the friendship necklace Yun-ji and I had bought back in eighth grade. It is a beautiful thing, and when it is put with the necklace Yun-ji had, it made a small, silver infinity sign with the words "You will forever be my always".

It is whole. It is not broken.

Except for the fact that Yun-ji lost her own part of the necklace so the words will never be complete on the necklace. But inside me, the words are etched into my heart as I repeat the promise in my head.

I gaze outside my window where the city lights shine bright against the night sky. A feel a small ache in my chest. No one remembers or suspects any difference.

I had landed on my couch after being torn away from the park in the other reality. I had been plopped down exactly the same time and night that everything changed. The night of the MAMA awards. It is almost as if nothing ever happened.

My parents don't seem any different or feel funny, Yun-ji obviously doesn't remember anything, and as for the Bangtan Boys...

I shut the wooden box and put it back into my drawer.

They probably won't suspect a thing either. As far as they know, they've always been the Bangtan Boys, together. Jungkook will not remember anything.

I can't help but touch the corner of my mouth where he had kissed me. That reality seems like some sort of fantasy/nightmare I had. But I know it happened.

I will continue to support the Bangtan Boys, especially since I encountered them in a different reality and had quite an experience with them. I wonder what would happen if I met them in person in this reality. Would they recognize me? Probably not. But it's probably for the best. I've learned my lesson. Everything is back to normal. And for now, I like normal.

A knock comes at our door and I swing down the stairs to answer it.

I throw it open to see Yun-ji clutching her blanket, pillow, and a backpack slung on her shoulder.

I lean across the doorway, effectively blocking her from coming inside. I cross my arms. "So the necklace huh?"

"Ah come on, Nari," Yun-ji groans. "Let me inside, it's freezing out here!"

"I'll let it go this time," I wink, amused at Yun-ji's sulking face. "What are friends for?"

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